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This word is submitted by Cynthia Mosley (mosleykinilee@netzero.net)


In His Presence

In My presence you'll have joy
In your joy you'll have My Love
In My love you'll have My peace
In My peace you'll have My provision.....

In My strength you'll have My power
In My power you'll have My spirit
In My spirit you'll have My kingdom
In My kingdom you'll have your home....

I am God Almighty, I am the one that healeth thee. I am the one that healeth thee, I am the one that makes all things turn for the good. I am the God that healeth thee, I am the God that has all things in My control.

Trust in Me and do not lean on your own understanding for I am the God that healeth thee and restores all that was eaten by the locusts and the deeds of Satan and his Kingdom.

My presence I give to you freely, to give you victory... Stay in My presence, do not forsake My anointing. Do not forsake the move of My Spirit, stay close to Me and soak in My glory.

There's freedom in My glory
There's truth in My glory
There's power in My glory
There's love in My glory.....

Let My glory shine through you to all mankind, to the peoples of all nations, To all colors and creed; For I am the creator of all things on this earth.