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The Saints Under Persecution
During the reign of this superman in his God-defying power, the saints of God were standing true and bearing faithful testimony in spite of every hardship and every danger. They saw the two witnesses in Jerusalem, and they saw the saints, as well as these two, endued with mighty supernatural power to fight with and to resist the power of darkness in that awful time, the like of which has never been upon the earth—the time when the devil and all his angels and demons will be turned loose upon the earth, having great wrath, knowing their time is short. During this time, when no one but a true Spirit-filled saint could stand for a day against such Satanic power and supernatural Satanic miracles and manifestations, the children saw the saints filled with the still greater supernatural power of their God, the Spirit of Him, who is greater than "he that is in the world."
They had visions of preaching the gospel in the midst of great persecution; but they were given such power that by a word from them, enemies smitten by plagues [7] or death. This power seemed to issue from within and came out of their mouths; with it they rebuked and slew their enemies. They were exercising the power the Lord had promised his disciples, power to do the works He did and greater works. [8] In some cases, after giving a testimony in a town that rejected them and having left it a distance, fire from heaven descended and destroyed the wicked place, even as Sodom and Gommorah were swept away. When persecution was bitter they were sometimes caught away bodily by the Holy Spirit as was Philip [9] and as the prophets supposed Elijah had been (II Kings 2:16).
They were thus by the Spirit carried away to a place of safety. In time of hunger and need food was miraculously provided -- manna, fruit, and other food. Angels ministered. Strength and boldness were given to bear a fearless testimony. The Christians had power to speak with tongues in the languages of strange and unevangelized tribes. When in vision the boys or girls were thus preaching in the Spirit we ourselves could see how this might be true, for while one speaker preached to the people of a strange language whom he saw before him, another interpreted for him (I Cor. 14:28). Both spoke in other tongues. One spoke a few sentences, then the other interpreted. They were preaching to some of those of every tribe and language.
John saw an angel flying in heaven with the everlasting gospel to be preached to all tribes and tongues, just before the fall of Babylon the Great. [10] He also saw a great multitude no man could number, people of every tribe and language, who had washed their robes in the blood of the Lamb and had come out of the Great Tribulation. [11] Must it not be in accord with the Scripture that, as the children saw in these visions, the gospel will be preached again under angelic ministration in the miraculous power of the Holy Spirit in a supernatural way, far exceeding that of the early Church in the days of its persecution? May it not be that the harvest outpouring of the Holy Spirit, the latter rain, will far exceed the seed-time outpouring of the Holy Spirit, the former rain, the outpouring on the Day of Pentecost?
The Final World War
At the conclusion of the final testimony of the most perfect and supernatural church the world has ever seen, in the midst of the greatest persecution by the greatest concentration of Satanic demonical power and devil-controlled human power that any age on earth has ever experienced, the Adullam children saw the Antichrist, the devil-man, the super-man world leader, marshalling his forces for the final world war of the age.
They also saw the war in the spirit realm. In this they saw a man on a white horse, leading his army of angels dressed in white. [12] They also saw a rider on a red horse, the rider dressed in beautiful dark colored array and followed by his host of demons in black.
Some visions of the war on earth were also seen. Children saw battleships destroyed by bombs thrown from airplanes, and they saw the ships with all aboard enter their watery grave to be seen no more. Armies were seen gathered from all the earth, engaged in the great and terrible struggle. The children watched the awful battle. Poison gas and deadly instruments of war slew their victims in countless numbers. At first the dead were buried, but later the slain, being so many they could not be taken care of, were piled in heaps or left to decay as manure upon the face of the earth, as the prophet has foretold. [13]
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