Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2003 06:18:26 -0800 (PST)
From: Teresa Seputis <>
Subject: 2nd report from Teresa in Mozambique
This is my second email from Mozambique. Things change quickly around here. I was supposed to go to the bush for an outreach this weekend, but it was cancelled so that the Mozambique Christians could pray and interceed regarding the war with Iraq.
I went to a refugee camp on Thursday as part of an outreach team. When I arrived there, they informed me that I was preaching. (That was the first I'd heard of it.) SO I prayed "help God!" and He prophetically gave me a sermon that was so powerful and impacting that people were coming up to me days afterwards telling me how much they were impacted by that sermon. The Holy Spirit is able to do a good job!!! He is smart.
Also, on Thursday evening, I was informed that one of the instructors in the Bible college had to go to a hospital in South Africa with severe Malaria. So I have been asked to take over all of her classes... and I will be teaching 2 - 3 classes (each 1.5 hours long) a day this coming week). In addition to taking over her classes, they made a space for me to teach the pastors about hearing God's voice -- so I will be doing a great deal of teaching in the bible college after all! (God has a sense of humor ... He made me work through my frustration about not being able to teach in the bible college and be OK with that had have a good attitude -- then He gave me more classes to teach than I had originally anticipated!)
Btw - Sandra (the teacher who is sick) is going to be OK but she needs to be in bed-rest for all of next week.. so it worked out good for the school that I was here the week she needs to rest. Please do hold her in your prayers!
While you are at it, please hold me in your prayers as well. I woke up this morning with all but one of the symptoms of maleria and they did a blood test and took it to the lab.. and I am waiting to find out if I have maleria as well. If I do have it it will not be nearly as severe as what Sandra has and I will still be teaching next week. But it feels alot like a very bad cold combined with a very bad flu! I am praying God will make me all better rapidly.. it is no fun being sick in this extreme heat.
On friday I was part of a medical clinic for the poor at a very impoverished area -- and I was most greatful for my American Red Cross First Aid training -- I put it to good use taking care of various wounds. Some were minor cuts and abrasions some were deeply infected and large wounds. It was neat to be able to do some practical healing as well as doing the physical healing prayer.
Yesterday I spent the day with some nationals and then with some brazilian missionaries to Mozambique. It was a very pleasant day of visiting, fellowship, etc. In the evening we went to a crusade together. So my "day off" was a very pleasant day. This morning I woke up feeling very sick and mostly all I have done today is to be in bed.
I will teach in the bible college tomorrow -- if I am still sick that is all I will do tomorrow -- teach for about 3 hours. If I am well, I will also teach at an english class (for folks from the local community) and I will work at a first aid clinic with "wound treatment" for the 4-8 year old children at the orphanage.. there are about 60 of them. Mostly it is washing off the scrape, cut or blister and puttng antibiotic cream and a bandade on it -- very simple stuff.. but it is also giving love and individual attention to the orphans. They really respond to this simple first aid care. I have done it twice already and it is incredibly rewarding to work with then in this way.
God continues to open doors of ministry that surprise and amaze me! He is an incredible God to serve!
Please keep me and the pastors and the orphans in your prayers. There is a very bad Maleria epidemic here and it is making about 1/4 of of missionaries too sick to function on any given week.
Gotta go.. my connect time is up.
- teresa
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