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Remember, if you want to get the demon out, you need to remove the reason the demon got there. Understand how it got into the person. There is a weakness, there is a crack in their life and there is something that has gotten in there. We talked about the inroads. You know, the ancestral ties, the habitual sin, we covered a whole list of those things. These are the inroads the enemy has into our life and so he has driven that stake in there because we have given him that opportunity. We have given him that place and usually what the truth encounter does is simply expose what that area is, removes the right to be there and that way demons slide off. That's the way that it usually happens.
A lot of times God won't remove that demon until he has removed the right to get there. Otherwise, if He just takes out the demon and He doesn't remove the right, there still is something there that another demon can come and hook right into. So, you're going to want to remove that right to get there.
What should you do if demons don't come out when you tell them to? As we get into the process, as I'm praying for people, I'm asking the Lord to show me where these things are, what's going on. Remember, the way you get rid of a demon is kind of like the same way it got in there. There's a stake that drove in there. Sometimes when you're praying for somebody who's got a demon, the first thing I do is just rebuke this thing. In the name of Jesus, I come against you with the power of Jesus and I tell you to leave. I tell you to go in the name of Jesus. And sometimes those things go. They just leave then. But if they don't go, you have to ask why the thing isn't going.
So when I'm ministering to a demonized person, the first thing I do is presume the Lord has already taken care of the demon's right to be there. I just rebuke the demon. I tell that spirit to go. In a few minutes, if that spirit has not gone, then I start searching. Why is that thing still there? A lot of times it's because this area hasn't been taken out or removed. If you're ministering to a person and all of a sudden you see a demon manifest and you tell it to go and it doesn't leave, then you start saying, "Holy Spirit you're going to have to show us what we need to deal with."
I used to always address the spirit, but demons lie. So, that's not my first choice. You know that lying is part of their job description. So I always ask the Holy Spirit to show me. There are times when I have to address the spirit, but only with the instruction of the Lord to do so. I used to do that all the time; that was my only mode of operation. That was the way I learned. You rebuke this spirit, you call it forth and begin to tell it to tell you things and give you commands. You bring it into truth, before the judgment of the Lord. That's the way I used to do it. Every once in awhile, I might have to revert to that in an occasional power encounter, but most of the time I don't do that.
Most of the time I operate out of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, which is a better way to operate. Holy Spirit show me, reveal to me, show me in my heart, show me in my spirit and reveal to this person the things, the inroads, where this thing has gotten into this person's life. Is it a curse of words? If it turns out to be a curse, we break the curse. We break the power of those words and that thing pops out. The demon has nothing to hang on to and he's sliding down the cliff.
If the inroad is habitual sin, I ask where the first time that habitual sin started. Where was the inroad? I don't want to know all the times in the past. I want to know what was the root. What was the one that the enemy drove its stake in that gave him the right? He may not have occupied it at that time, but he drove it in at that time and later on, through habit, then he hooked it in. What is that root? Where does it begin? Holy Spirit, show us what that is.
We're asking God to give us words of knowledge. We're asking Him to give us information we don't know by the natural. We're having the Holy Spirit reveal things to us and He will show you. He will show you dates. He will show you faces. He will show you rooms. You will be able to see the room and all the furniture and everything that was in it. Don't discount that. He will show you addresses, streets, cities. He will give you all kinds of information and you will know what kind of spirit it is.
You're asking the Holy Spirit, "Is it a spirit of infirmity? Is it a spirit of death? Does the spirit have a name? What is its role or function, because usually the name shows the function the spirit has in that person's life. So you ask the Lord to show you because you want to know when that spirit is gone, too. That's what discerning of spirits helps you to know. Is it gone? Has it left? And to discern whether the spirit you're speaking to is the Holy Spirit or a demonic spirit. So you really need to ask God, "Show me. Show me."
As you do this, help the person, too. Ask God to reveal things to that person. Ask God to search through their memory banks and bring something out. If the person brings out something and your spirit goes, "Oh no, this is not it," you pray for that area. Then say, "I think there may be something else we need to move on to and get it out. So, you've got to remove that right, that stake that the demon has in that person's life. So those inroads we talked about earlier, look at those. They may be the avenues the demon used to get in. But, you're going to have to work with the Holy Spirit.
Then begin to rebuke the demons and tell them to leave. Tell them to get out. Take authority over them.
What if they don't get out? What happens if you tell them to leave and they don't leave? First, the reason they got there in the first place hasn't been taken care of. This thing hasn't been pulled out. Often, the Lord won't allow a person to find freedom until they are willing to take out the source and the root. And you may be very frustrated ministering to them when in reality what you're struggling with is their will to let God be very thorough. God may not deliver them until they're willing to really get rid of it.