-- © Transforming Life Prophetic Ministry -- 1999 --
-- Do Not Reprint without written permission from John Webster, <prophetjpw@aol.com> --

Author: John Webster
Transcriber: Lucy Deliganis
Editors: Paul Cummins, Teresa Seputis

Prophetic Training 201 -- Week 3 Teaching

What God's Voice Sounds Like

In this teaching, we are going to be talking about what God's voice sounds like. In the first teaching, we talked about hearing the voice of God. We hear God's voice. We hear it because we were created to hear it, and we hear it because we are sheep of the Good Shepherd.

Then in our last teaching, we talked about how we need to recognize the voice of the Lord. Simply the knowledge that we hear doesn't help us unless we recognize what that voice is. In this teaching, we are going to talk about some of the identifying marks of the voice of the Lord so that you can learn to recognize it.

What does it sound like and how do I know that it is God? How can I be certain that the Lord is speaking to me? We are going to go through a description of God's voice in this teaching to give you some of the identifying marks so that when you look at it you can say this is me or this is God. I feel like this is God because of these identifying marks. This is a description of the voice of the Lord.

Before we talk about what His voice does sound like, we want to talk about what it does not sound like. There are three common misconceptions. Please turn to 1Kings 19.

We talked about in the last teaching where Elijah had a contest with the prophets of Baal on Mt. Carmel, and he challenged the children of Israel to join with him on Mt. Carmel to challenge the prophets of Baal that they would offer sacrifices to their false gods and he would offer a sacrifice to the Lord. The one that answered by fire let Him be God and the children of Israel would serve Him. That is what happened. They went on top of Mt. Carmel and the prophets of Baal danced around their sacrifice all day long and called upon the name of their god and nothing happened.

In 1Kings 18 something happened. Toward the end of the day, it became Elijah's turn. The first thing he did was build -- rebuild the altar of God, and he put a sacrifice on that altar. Then they poured water on the sacrifice three times until the sacrifice was thoroughly wet. The altar was also wet. In fact there was so much water that it poured over into the trench around the altar.

Elijah called upon God, and he prayed a very simple prayer. Paraphrased, he said something like, "Lord, let these people know that I was sent from you, so that they will know that you are God. Please answer by fire." That's exactly what the Lord did. The fire burned up the sacrifice on the altar. In fact the fire was so intense that it burned up the stones and licked up all of the water.

Then the children of Israel experienced a tremendous revival that day. Their hearts were renewed to God's covenant and then they took the false prophets down to the brook, Kishon, and killed them there by the sword. Jezebel, the wicked queen, who supported these false prophets found out about this and she sent a message to Elijah, and she said to him, "Just as you have killed my prophets, I'm going to kill you by this time tomorrow."

So prophet Elijah with a death sentence on his life, runs into the wilderness. We find him hiding in the wilderness in I Kings 19. In verse 9, "And there he went into a cave and he spent the night in that place and behold the word of the Lord came to him." That is what we are talking about, isn't it? We are talking about hearing the voice of the Lord. God spoke to Elijah as he was out in the wilderness hiding in a cave. The word of the Lord came to him. The Lord said to him, "What are you doing here, Elijah?" This is what Elijah said. (I want you to take particular notice to verse 10.) Elijah says, "I have been very jealous for the Lord God of Hosts for the children of Israel have forsaken your covenants. They have torn down your altars and they have killed your prophets with the sword, and I alone am left. They seek to take my life." We can hear Elijah's desperation and his very bleak outlook in this verse. It is almost as if all is lost and he is running for his life.

However, notice in verse 10, the recounting of the facts. Here is what he says happened. Elijah said the children of Israel have forsaken your covenant. Now think back to 1 Kings 18 at the top of Mt. Carmel. Have the children of Israel just forsaken the covenant of the Lord or have they just been renewed to the covenant of the Lord. They have just been renewed. They have just had a major revival happen. Elijah also says that they have torn down the Lord's altars. Now was the altar of God torn down or did Elijah just rebuild it to offer the sacrifice? It has been rebuilt, hasn't it? Then Elijah says that they have killed God's prophets with the sword. Was it God's prophets that were killed, or the false prophets that were killed? It was the false prophets. It's a very interesting verse where Elijah recounts these events, and it is diametrically opposed to what actually happened.

Why is Elijah not telling the truth here? It is not because he is prone to lying because number one we accept Elijah as a true prophet of God. Secondly, there is no indication that he was dishonest or prone to lying anywhere else in scripture. Thirdly, he is talking to God Himself. If there is ever a time to tell the truth, it is when you are having a face to face conversation with the Lord. Therefore, we don't think that Elijah is lying here.

Let me tell you why Elijah is so mistaken. Because Elijah is running for his life, he is in fear. Fear will blur your perception every time. He is in fear for his life so he is not seeing things clearly. He is telling the truth as he sees it. He just doesn't see it truthfully and clearly.

Therefore, when it comes to hearing the voice of God, if we are afraid and moving in fear, fear is going to blur our perception. In verse 11, God tells him to go out and stand on the mountain before the Lord. "Behold, the Lord passed by and a great and strong wind tore into the mountains and it broke the rocks in pieces before the Lord. But the Lord was not in the wind. And after the wind, an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake. And after the earthquake a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. After the fire was a still small voice. Three things happened. First of all, there was a strong wind, then an earthquake, then a fire, and God was not in any of those. After all those things, a still small voice came. These represent three common misconceptions about the voice of the Lord. We want to talk about the wind, earthquake, and the fire, and talk about what God's voice does not sound like.


First, we want to talk about the wind. In John 3:5, Nicodemous comes to Jesus talking about the born again experience. Jesus tells Nicodemous that you must be born again. In verse 8, Jesus says to him, "The wind blows where it wishes. You hear the sound of it, but you can't tell where it comes from, and where it is going. So is everyone who is born of the spirit." Here we have a correlation between the wind and an element of mystery. You can't see the wind. You don't know where it is coming from or where it is going. All you can do is see the effect it has on other things. There is an element of mystery or mystique about the wind.

Some people think the voice of the Lord is mysterious. The voice of the Lord is hard to perceive. Wow, I wish I was like my pastor or a prophet that could hear God's voice and know it consistently and confidently with great clarity. However, you know it is so hard to perceive. It is almost like God does not want to be found. Have you ever heard people talk like that? Maybe you have thought it is very difficult to understand or hear from the Lord. You have thought God is in the wind and makes it very mysterious and hard.

However, 1 Kings 19 says that God is not in the wind. God is not trying to make it difficult to hear His voice. The reason He speaks is to communicate. He is talking to you so that you will understand. He wants you to hear His voice so that He can speak to your heart. He wants you to respond so that we have dialog, a back and forth. God speaks to us and we speak to God, and we begin to live and function in a realm of continual dialoging with the Lord.

This should be a lifestyle with us. He is not trying to make it hard on you. He is not trying to be mysterious or hard to find. God is trying to be very clear and very consistent in His communication.

Now there are times the Lord speaks in such a way that it can be very difficult to really understand what He is saying. But that is a special class of communication, and we are not talking about that.

We know that Jesus spoke in parables just so people would not hear and understand. We know that when the Old Testament wrote particularly about the coming Messiah, and they prophesied about future events, people did not understand and did not receive. Prophetic literature and parables are a special class of communication and we are not talking about those. We are talking about the Lord speaking to you.

John 15:15 says, "Henceforth, I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know what the master is doing, but I have called you friends because all things the Father has made known unto me, I have told you."

This is God speaking to us so that we will hear because we are in relationship with Him. He wants us to hear and discern His voice. He wants us to recognize it and be very clear about it. So God was not in the wind.


After the wind, came the earthquake. Now an earthquake is a powerful, physical shaking and manifestation, isn't it? I remember being in California preaching and I had heard about all the earthquakes and tremors. I remember being in a hotel and felt was to me a very strong shaking. It did not unnerve me, but I was concerned enough that I did call down to the front desk.. It was a pretty strong shaking, and to them it was not a very big deal. But I am not from an area that has earthquakes so to me it was kind of big deal. Some people think that when God speaks to us, that there is going to be some kind of strong, physical manifestation. Some people even look for a physical sensation in their body. Or maybe you even see people with their hands shaking and knees quaking.

Let me just say something about signs and manifestations. There are some manifestations that are very appropriate and God does give them to us, but with regard to hearing God's voice, if God gives you some kind of sign or physical manifestation to let you know that it is God speaking to us, enjoy it while it lasts, because it will not. Why is that? Because we are told in Romans 12:6 that we prophesy according to the proportion of our faith. God wants to get us to the point that we operate in faith. Emotions operate in the realm of the soul. Therefore, we can move in faith without any emotions being associated with it.

God wants us to get to the place where we are hearing His voice based on faith. Not because of a sign or manifestation. Now I am not anti-manifestation. There are some manifestations that are very appropriate and God does use them and cause us to experience them. There are some that are not appropriate. I just want you to understand that when it comes to God speaking to you, do not look for an earthquake.

Some people will say that when they are praying for people, God will cause a warmth to come into their hands. Well, if it works that way for you and it seems to be accurate and from the Lord, enjoy it. But there really is a higher realm and that realm is that God speaks to my heart and says that "I want you to pray for that person for healing." We operate in faith, not by signs. In the same way, we prophesy. I am not implying that is a bad thing if a manifestation like that happens to you. In fact, sometimes I would like to have that happen. I just do not get those signs. The Lord just speaks to my heart, and I function by faith. God was not in the earthquake.

Let me tell you one of the dangers of looking to God for some sort of powerful physical manifestation in order to validate His moving of the spirit. Have you ever seen those people that start shaking all the time when they want God to start moving on them? They are trying to validate the fact that God is moving on them. Really when we are secure in the Lord, we don't need to show other people that God is moving on us by manifestations. Now there is another class of people that experience those kind of manifestations and they are not trying to prove anything to anybody. That is just how God moves on them. That is fine.

All I'm trying to say is do not sit around waiting for some kind of physical manifestation in order to validate that it is God speaking to you. Because God does want to speak to us and many times we will not experience anything.

Let me return to the fact that faith operates in the realm of the spirit. Emotions operate in the realm of the soul. A lot of times we will think that when our faith arises, emotions will be effected and we will experience the emotions of boldness and confidence. But it's not the feeling that lets us know that we are operating in faith. "Wow, I just had a lot of faith. I felt so bold, so assured." Those are emotions you are experiencing, then. That is not faith. That is an emotional response to faith. That can also be a very good thing because God created your emotions, didn't he? Emotions are given by God so when they are properly handled they are a wonderful thing. Many times when something happens in the spirit realm, the emotions do respond to that. There is nothing wrong with feeling that confidence and boldness, but don't mistake that with faith. But don't think I just don't have faith because I don't feel confident, assured, and bold. You can still step out in faith when you don't have those feelings. Does this make sense? We are not trying to demean emotions, but to make a distinction. You can move in faith and actually experience no emotion.

There are times when I will prophesy over people, and in my soul I will have no emotional response. Sometimes I will have a response and feel very intense or excited, joyful. There are a lot of different emotions that come with a strong impartation of the prophetic word. Other times, I feel almost emotionless. I am just in neutral. My natural man is saying, "I wonder what time we are going to finish. We're probably going to go out to eat afterwards." You know my natural man is in neutral, just going along for the ride, and my spirit man is functioning. So don't look for some sort of earthquake or physical manifestation or emotional response to the word of the Lord. God was not in the earthquake.


After the earthquake, a fire came. Now we associate fire with judgment, don't we? When fire comes, it consumes. Many times we associate the voice of the Lord with judgment. In fact some people are afraid to receive a prophesy in public because they are afraid God is going to reveal their sin in front of everybody. They are afraid the voice of the Lord is going to speak to issues that need to be judged or corrected. One of reasons I think we expect this is part of our stereotype. We do it by association.

You see in the Old Testament when we read a lot of the written prophets, they have a lot of judgment in them. I've chose a passage for us with regard to fire in judgement. Please notice how the prophet speaks judgment.

Nahum 3:5-7 says, "Behold I am against you says the Lord of Hosts. I am going to lift up your skirts over your face and show to the nations your nakedness and to the kingdoms your disgrace. I am going to throw filth on you and make you vile and set you up as a spectacle. And it will come about that all those who see you will shrink away from you and say Ninevah is defestated. Who will grieve for her? Where will I seek comforters for you?"

God is upset with Ninevah! When we read passages like this in the Old Testament, we come to associate judgment with God's voice. We think

when God speaks, it is going to be a condemning word, a chastising word. But God was not in the fire.

The voice of the Lord is not intended to be negative, judgmental, condemning, not always even corrective. You see we have to get balance in this area. The reason we make that association is because so many of the major and minor prophets prophesied along these lines.

Why is it that they did that? Why is it that Old Testament prophets prophesied so much judgment and condemnation? All you have to do is consider the audience. Who were they speaking to? They were speaking sometimes to foreign nations - Moab, Edom, Ninevah. Primarily they were speaking to Israel and to Judah -- the two divided kingdoms.

These were the children of Israel who were backslidden and hardhearted, arguing with God, rebellious, following other gods. God had talked to them about it over and over, until finally their cup of iniquity was full. Then God came out with judgments and the prophets started prophesying. Actually, if we read some of the earlier prophets, we can go all the way back to Moses in Exodus 6:6-8 when Moses was prophesying blessing. "I am going to take you out of the bondage of the Egyptians, and I am going to bring you into your own land, flowing with milk and honey. I will be to you a God, and you will be to Me a people."

Here we have a tremendous blessing prophesy. What happens is we have to consider the audience. Consider your own heart. You are not a hardhearted, stiff-necked rebellious people, serving other Gods. You are a people that desire to serve the Lord, doing what you can in order to serve the Lord more fully, desiring a higher walk in the realm of the Spirit. Why would God be speaking judgment to you? Do you see? So when the Lord speaks do not automatically accept it as fire and as judgment.

In fact, one of our challenges in raising up a prophetic people is to teach them that when God speaks, He is not speaking in judgment and criticism. That is less evidence that they are hearing from God, and probably more evidence of spirit of criticism and blaming in their own heart.

Some people just have a bad attitude. They are always looking for someone to criticize or blame. That will come through when they are hearing from God. God is a just and a holy God and He walks us to walk with righteousness and holiness before Him. There are times when God has to speak a very corrective word to us. I am not oblivious to that concept.

The point I am trying to make is that most of the time when the Lord speaks to us it is like Romans 2:4 that says, "It is the goodness of God that leads us to repentance."

It is only after we rebel, argue, and wrestle and insist on our own way that finally God has to correct us. Finally, in the most extreme cases, He will judge. God was not in the fire.


After the fire, came a still small voice. We might call it a delicate whispering voice. If you do not look for it, you will not see it. If you do not listen for it, you will not hear it. I think that is why the Lord tells us to get up early and pray. I do not think there is anything more anointed about the early hours. It simply is before we start the hustle and bustle of our everyday life. It is when we are quiet and can listen. It has nothing to do with outward sound and noise. It has everything to do with the noise of our own heart as we get very active and begin to be consumed with the affairs of our natural day. That is why the Lord tells us to seem Him early because that is when we are quiet.

Turn with me to Isaiah 21. We have talked about what the Lord does not sound like.. It is not like the wind, which is mysterious and hard to perceive. It is not like an earthquake where you are going to feel something or something powerful is going to happen. It is not like a fire where God is going to judge, correct, or condemn.

It is a still, small voice. His is a delicate, whispering voice. It is almost like spring when the flowers begin to bloom. You first begin to smell the first fragrance on the breeze. It comes and goes and you are almost not even sure if you smell it. It is so soft and subtle. The voice of the Lord can be like that.

Isaiah 21 shows what the voice of the Lord does sound like. This is where we hope to draw some lines of demarcation between the voice of the Lord and the voice of your own heart.

Verse 2 of Isaiah 21 says, "A grievous vision is declared unto me." So here we know God is communicating with Isaiah.

In verse 3, Isaiah is going to experience three kinds of communication. As we read this, see if you can pick out these three forms of communication.

Isaiah says, "Therefore my loins are filled with pain. Pains have taken hold of me like the pains of a woman in labor. I was distressed when I heart it, I was dismayed when I saw it." The King James version says, "I was bowed down at the hearing of it; I was dismayed at the seeing of it."

Now Isaiah has experienced three things in this verse. What are they? He felt something. He heard something. He saw something. God communicated with Isaiah in this vision in three ways. Isaiah felt. Isaiah heard. Isaiah saw. We find that when the Lord speaks to us in our inner man that three things can happen. We can either see, hear, or feel. I want to look at each one of these forms of communication from the Lord to us.

Communication by Seeing

First, I want to talk about seeing. When the Lord communicates with us, sometimes we will see something. Now if I ask you to close your eyes right now and picture your house or a loved one, can you see them? What just took place is that you saw a mental picture in your mind's eye, if you will. That came from a soulish origin -- your own heart or memory. But what it looked like on the inside is that you saw a picture. You didn't see it outwardly with your eyes. You saw it on the inside. We call that your mind's eye.

1. When the Lord communicates with us, many times He will cause us to see something. We see it on the inside and it looks like that picture you just saw. It happens on the inside of you. Now it is actually different than what we just did, because you are not seeing it in your mind's eye. You are seeing it in your spirit man which is in the spirit realm. It is not coming from a soulish place which is your own memory, but from a supernatural place- God Himself. However, it looks just the same! Remember the twins? One comes from God and one comes from your own heart, but they look just alike. We will call this a mental picture. I do not think that is the best terminology, but I have yet to come up with a better one.

What we are really trying to say here is that God is communicating with us. He speaks to us by putting a picture in us and it looks just like the image you just saw. You go into the prayer closet and begin to pray, and you see a picture in your mind. Probably your natural man, sitting on the bench, trying to render a verdict is saying, "that is not God - your mind is wandering. Come on, get hold of your thoughts." Right? "Why are you daydreaming?"

What is really happening is that God is putting a picture in your spirit. You are seeing a picture that God put there so that He can communicate with you. If you will stop, look, and listen, paying attention as you look at that picture - it will take on meaning. God will begin to speak to you through that picture. You are seeing in the spirit realm! Your spiritual eyes are doing their job. Selective hearing wants to kick in and say, "That's not God. Don't pay attention to it." Then the screen goes blank again. Then you say, "I haven't heard from the Lord.." No, No, you were just looking at it! God was talking to you!

What we have to do when we are asking the Lord a question and anticipating an answer, we must consider everything we see. Take it seriously. Maybe this is God. I don't know that it is God. I am looking at the twins. I am still learning to tell them apart. Maybe it is me. Maybe it is God. Maybe my mind is wandering, but I am not going to discount what I am seeing, before I really know. I am going to take time and seriously consider this input that I am receiving. I am going to say, "Lord, if this is You, please tell me what this picture means?" It may just be that as you look at that picture, suddenly God begins to speak some spiritual truth to you.

The problem is that it looks a lot like a picture that your natural heart would offer you. It is tempting to say that is not God. Perhaps you have been walking through your entire life, telling yourself that is not God. Until finally you are a mature man or woman, saying, "I don't hear from the Lord." When in reality, you are doing it all of the time, and you do not even know it. Isn't that good news? It is good news that you really are hearing and all you have to do is pay attention. That is a much smaller step instead of thinking that you are going to have to learn something that you do not know how to do.

You probably have already been hearing from the Lord today. Maybe it has not been in picture form. God loves to talk, and we perceive, and we see.

Let me give you an example of this. John 1:48 says, "Nathaniel said unto Him, 'whence knowest thou me?'" Jesus said unto Him, "Before Philip called you, when you were under the fig tree, I saw you." Now for a long time, here is what I thought happened. I thought that Jesus was walking by earlier in the day, and He saw Nathaniel sitting under a tree. Later in the day, Philip comes up and introduces the two and Jesus is saying - oh yes, I recognize you. I was walking through the park and saw you sitting under the tree -- but that is not what happened.

What happened was that the Father communicated to Jesus and told Jesus that what Nathaniel had been doing during the day. Jesus actually perceived this in the spirit. He had never laid eyes on Nathaniel before. But He says to Nathaniel, I saw you in the spirit realm. He did not articulate that, but that is actually what He is saying. How do we know that is really what happened? Because of Nathaniel's response.

In verse 49, it says Nathaniel answered and said unto Him, "Rabbi, You are the Son of God, You are the King of Israel." Now if Jesus had just walked by and saw him in the natural, and then make the connection, it would not have solicited this response from Nathaniel, would it? Nathaniel knows that Jesus has never laid eyes on him and that is why Nathaniel had the response that he did.

2. Another way it happens is in visions. The distinction that I am trying to draw here is that when I am talking about visions I am talking about something you see with your natural eye. It appears to be exactly what you are seeing right now when you look around you. When God gives us a vision, we can see spiritual things that are taking place, but we see them with our natural eye. They are as real to us as everything that you see right now in front of you. You're seeing it. God shows it to you, and it looks just the same.

II Kings 6:17 is an example of this. "Elijah prayed and he said Lord I pray open his eyes that he may see. The Lord opened the eyes of the young man and he saw and behold the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire were round about Elijah."

Isaiah 6:1 says, "In the year that King Uziah died, I saw the Lord sitting on the throne, high and lifted up, and His train filled the temple."

Acts 7:55 talks about Stephen being filled with the Holy Spirit looking up to heaven and "he saw the glory of God and Jesus standing on the right hand of God." Then we have Acts 10:3, Cornelius was praying and had a vision of an angel of God coming to him.

These are visions when God shows us something and we see into the spirit realm. I have never had any visions, and people have described them to me as outward visions. The terminology doesn't really matter. What it really is seeing in the spirit realm when it appears to be outward with your natural eyes. Something just as tangible as the natural world around you.

3. Thirdly, we have dreams. Obviously, dreams are visual in nature. Some scriptures are Genesis 20:3 and 1 Kings 3:5. We do not need to talk much about this. I think we have all experienced dreams and that they are visual in natural, and we know that God can give us dreams.

Communication by Hearing

Another way we can hear from the Lord is in a hearing way. Isaiah saw something and then he heard something. Here are some scriptures for you.

11 Kings 7:6 says, "For the Lord made the host of the Syrians to hear a noise of chariots and the noise of horses, even the noise of a great hosts."

1 Samuel 3:10 says, "And the Lord came and stood and called as at other times saying, Samuel, Samuel." Then Samuel answered saying, "Speak, for your servant hears."

Psalm 85:8 says, "I will hear what God the Lord will speak for He will speak peace unto His people unto His saints."

There are many times the Lord speaks to us that we hear something on the inside. It works very much just like we just mentioned with seeing, except it is just hearing in nature. Now, if I ask you to speak in your own heart - don't speak out loud or with your lips or voice - speak with your heart right now and say your name. Now you could hear that couldn't you? It was on the inside of you. It is a voice nonetheless, even though it was not on the outside.

The voice of the Lord sounds just like that. You hear something on the inside. Again, you are looking at the twins. But is it me, or is it God? It sounds just like my own heart. That is how the voice of the Lord sounds. Your inner voice, whether from your own heart or the Lord, does not normally speak grammatically perfect correct English. In fact, most of us do not speak that way either. On the inside, the voice of the Lord more often speaks in concepts. It speaks in very vague ways. Our heart and conscience speaks to us like this. When we contemplate something that we should not do, our conscience speaks to us and says "UH,UH" Isn't that how it sounds on the inside? It's not speaking words or paragraphs of words. The voice of the Lord is the same way.

Sometimes when I am ministering prophetically, there will just be a name going on the inside of me. The Lord is speaking to me and I am hearing a name, and when I begin to prophesy if I allow God to open my mouth, I will begin to speak and even begin to prophesy names. I've even prophesied addresses. What is that? That is a hearing mechanism.

Communication by Feeling

Lastly is feeling. Isaiah felt pain like a woman in labor. He felt. Isaiah 55:12, "You will go out with joy, and be led forth with peace." We feel joy and peace, don't we?

Matthew 27:l9 is talking about Jesus, Pilate, and Pilate's wife. "When he had sat down on the judgment seat (speaking of Pilate), his wife said unto him, 'have thou nothing to do with this just man for I have suffered many things this day in a dream because of him.'" That word "suffer" in the Greek is "pasco", and it means to experience a sensation or an impression. Pilate's wife had a dream and in the dream she felt things. She had experiences. She had sensations and she knew that Jesus was a righteous man and she tells her husband not to do anything against Jesus because she has experienced things in a dream because of him.

Matthew 14:14 says, "Jesus was moved with compassion."

Hebrews 4:15 says, "He is the touched with the feelings of our infirmities."

Hebrews 10:34 says, "You had compassion on me in my bonds."

These are ways that we hear from the Lord and that we see from the Lord. We see. We hear. We feel. This is how we recognize God.

We are not looking for something mysterious. We are not looking for some powerful, physical manifestation. We are not looking for judgment. But on the inside of us God will cause us to see something or feel something or hear something.

When that happens, it is going to be a still, small voice. It is going to be a very slight impression. At that point, we look at it. We listen to it. We give it time and as we do that then it begins to take on meaning. God will speak to our heart and at that point we find ourselves hearing God's voice clearly.

The more we practice hearing God's voice, the clearer it will become.

Hebrews 5:14 says, "we are trained by practice."

We will become more confident as we practice it. Until finally we will get to the place that we can say this is the voice of the Lord and this is the voice of my own heart, and I can tell the two apart.

Lord, I pray that You will help us to hear Your voice with greater clarity, consistency, and confidence by realizing that we see, feel, and hear to recognize your voice in Jesus' Name.

-- © Transforming Life Prophetic Ministry -- 1999 --
-- Do Not Reprint without written permission from John Webster <prophetjpw@aol.com> --