I had just returned home from a trip to the Yukon, where I had ministered at a conference and God had shown up BIGTIME. My flight home had been delayed and I got home very late, which meant I got very little sleep before I had to head to work the next morning. I got to work and began to catch up on some things. At one point I looked at my wedding ring and noticed that one of the diamonds had fallen out of it. The diamond was there when I got to work that morning. (My ring has one large solatiare and two smaller marquis in it..one of the marquis had fallen out.)
My first thought was "this is spiritual warfare.. the enemy counter-attacking because of the wonderful things God had done in the Yukon." I told myself not to get upset and to look to God. His peace washed over me. None the less, I tried to find the diamond.. looked around the office, backtraced my steps, etc. We have a thick carpet.. almost a shag, that the janitors vaccumm nightly.. I figured that if I did not find the diamond before the day was out, it would be vaccummed away that night. I share the office with another man, and he looked (briefly) around as well, but did not find the diamond either. I figured it was a lost cause, but I sent out an email to the company that said "I know this is a longshot, but if any of you find a diamond please let me know.. one fell out of my wedding ring today."
To my surprise, several of my co-workers dropped me email notes, saying they were sorry I'd lost my diamond, giving me advice on where to look for it, etc. I was impressed with how sweet they all were.
Our office spans 3 floors in a skyscraper.. I sit on the 6th floor and had to go up to the 8th floor for something. As I rode the elevator up, I found myself praying ... "Lord, please give me back my diamond. You know where it is, please find it for me." I did my errand on the 8th floor and then came back to my desk. As I walked up to it, I noticed something shinny on the seat of my chair.. I picked it up.. it was the diamond!!
Thank you Lord, for answering my prayer! God is good! I was blessed.
Then it occurred to me that I should tell the folks at work, so I sent out another email.. "Thanks much for all of your help, the diamond has been found."
To my surprise, many from the company stopped by my office to ask me about the diamond, how had I found it, etc... So I got to share the story over and over of how I prayed on the elevator and asked God to find my diamond for me and how it was sitting on my chair immediately afterwards as God's response to my prayer. God came into this situation with His glory and turned it into an opportunity to testify of His goodness.
Isn't God neat!!!
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