How To Pray For The Sick
Conference Overview

The How To Pray For The Sick Confernce includes both teaching and workshop. That is right, workshop! Confernce attendees will actually be given opportunities to pray for the sick and to experience God's healing power flow though them.

This conference is best done in 7 two-hour sessions (plus additional time per session for worship). However since many people prefer a Friday Night, Saturday (3 sessions) and possibly Sunday evening session, it is frequently adjusted to fit into fewer sessions.

The teaching will cover the following subjects:

In addition to the teaching and workshops, there is a time of impartation prayer and Teresa also usually does a ministry time to pray for the sick at one of the sessions. One option is to hold an additional healing service for those who did not attend the training and to have those who did attend the training serve as the ministry team to pray for the sick.