Books By Teresa Seputis

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Mercy In Judgment Mercy In Judgment A Novel Containing Amazing Encoutners With God
By Teresa Seputis
$12.95 Plus S&H

This is a Christian novel that details many supernatural experiences with God. Seminary professor Thomas seeks to understand how God can be both a God of love and a God of wrath and judgment. Thomas is caught up into the most amazing vision, where he encounters the Passover angel, and then is brought to Heaven. There he hears the stories of four people who died in various judgments--but each one believed in God as they died, and were given eternal life. There is Horus, a boy who died in one of the 10 plagues. There is Ahmose, a soldier who died in the Red Sea. There is Klarissa and Kyra, who both died in the flood. Each of these characters have detailed and remarkable experiences with God shortly before they die. Their stories will leave you hungry to experience His presence more deeply in your own life.

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Parting The Curtain Parting The Curtain What Happens When You Die?
By Teresa Seputis
$8.95 Plus S&H

Would you like to know what Heaven is like? Do you wonder what happened to your loved ones after they die? Would you like to know what awaits you when you breathe your last breath here on earth and go to be face-to-face with the Lord?

This book explores these topics, sharing what the Lord showed Teresa Seputis in a series of visions where she was caught up into the Heavenlies and allowed to see and experience these things first-hand. Teresa shares these visions in a simple story-teller manner that allows you to experience them along with her. It is intended as a message of hope and comfort for Christians, and it will help dispel any fear that believers may have about their own moment of death. The Bible tells us that we have a "hope which is laid up for us in heaven" (Col 1:5). This book gives you a little idea of what that hope is like. You don't have to be in a place of loss or grieving to enjoy this book, but if you are, this book will particularly speak to you.

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Other books by Teresa:

Adventure In India Adventure In India
By Teresa Seputis
$12.50 plus S&H

This book is an unusual combination of testimony, teaching and inspiration as Teresa Seputis shares her experiences during two missionary trips to India. She has a way of telling her story so that you feel like you are right there, experiencing it along with her. You will laugh with Teresa, cry with her, and share her awe of seeing God move in power through her to glorify His name. Teresa candidly shares her own weaknesses, failures, fears and doubts. She details the lessons that God taught her as she stepped out to serve Him in a way that you will feel like He is teaching them to you as well. Teresa also shares God's glory, and the thrill of seeing Him heal the sick and perform miracles and otherwise glorify His name. The things God did in India will become real to you as you live these experiences along with Teresa. This is more than a testimony--it is a learning experience and an opportunity to your spark faith and the ability to share an exciting adventure--all tied together into this book.

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Revolutionize Your Prayer Life Revolutionize Your Prayer Life
By Teresa Seputis
$12.50 plus S&H

Make your prayer life come alive by discovering many dimensions to prayer that you may not be aware of, including prayer to build/improve your personal relationship with God, prayer to help you grow/mature spiritually and emotionally, prayer regarding your personal needs and concerns, prayer for the needs of others, prayer as ministry to others, the role of fasting in prayer. Also learn about models of prayer, such as the Lord's prayer, praying scripture, corporate prayer, etc. In addition, learn how your prayer life changes over time, how to pray effectively (so your prayers get answered), and how to develop a greater depth of intimacy with God through your prayer life.

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Little Books Of Prophecy

Teresa has three monthly devotional collections of prophetic words. Each collection is on a given theme and contains a word for each day of a month. These collections include:

Little Book Of Encouragement Little Book Of Encouragement
By Teresa Seputis
$8.50 plus S&H

This book shares some of what God is saying to His children today to encourage them and build them up in Him. It is a collection of prophetic words, shared in a life-giving manner that will inspire you in your walk with the Lord. This book is intended as a daily devotional over the next 31 days. Learn what God says about His love and care for you, His plans and purpose for your life, His ability to take care of you, how much He values you, how precious you are to Him, etc. These words will bring comfort, breathe hope, encourage and inspire you. Allow God's Spirit to minister deeply to your spirit through words of comfort and encouragement.

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Little Book Of Faith Little Book Of Faith
By Teresa Seputis
$8.50 plus S&H

This book shares some of what God has to say to the Church today on the subject of faith. It is a collection of prophetic words, shared in a life-giving manner that will inspire your faith and cause it to grow. You may want to use this book as a daily devotional over the next 31 days, or you may want to read it all in one sitting. Learn what God says about the "desert times" that seem so spiritually dry. See what God says about fear and how to overcome it. Learn how to walk in the type of trust that carries you through the most difficult times and allows you to see His glory come into your situation. Learn how to walk in the faith that ushers His victory into each of your circumstances. Discover how to experience His faithfulness. Allow God's Spirit to strengthen your spirit as He causes your faith to grow.

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Little Book Of Intimacy Little Book Of Intimacy
By Teresa Seputis
$8.50 plus S&H

This book shares some of what God has to say to the Church today on the subject of intimacy with God and drawing close to Him. It is a collection of prophetic words, shared in a life-giving manner that will inspire you in your walk with the Lord. This book is intended as a daily devotional over the next 31 days. Learn what God says about drawing close to Him, hearing His voice, getting to know Him better, being transformed to be more like Him, coming into His presence, etc. Allow God's Spirit to take you to new depths in your personal walk with Him.

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