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-- © GodSpeak International 1999 --
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Author: Mike Gerner <mgerner@aol.com>
Editors: Teresa Seputis, Al Vesper

Prophetic-School MiniTraining Series


Course 7 -- Part 2

Basic Materials With Which To Work


Welcome again to our short series on how to "stir up the gift". This is number two is a short series of four simple teachings written for the prophetic-school Internet mailing list. The series is in response to a posting to the list which asked:

"I have heard some people teach on the concept of "stirring up the gift". Now I understand that this comes from 2 Timothy 1:6. But I really would like to stay away from some vague, "Christianese" answer and get down to some practical ways to do this."

This series is designed to provide some answers to that question in jargon free language and to provide practical help for people walking at various different levels of prophetic gifting who want to "stir up the gift" within them i.e. increase the effectiveness of the Holy Spirit inspired gift of prophecy in their lives.

The series is split into four sections. While the division into sections is in some ways arbitrary, the sections are intended to follow a progression similar to the stages involved in building a house. Thus we started at Section (1), which dealt with the foundations which need to be in place for effective prophetic ministry. Section (2) (this section) covers the choice of basic materials with which to work. Section (3) covers rules of construction. Section (4) covers the finishing stages. All are important if we want a house that stands firm, won't collapse due to inferior materials, has been built efficiently and is attractive!

I'd like to clarify a couple of things before we go any further.

First, God isn't just interested in making us "better prophets". He wants to transform us to be more like Jesus (2 Corinthians 3:18) and to set us free in heart, soul, mind and strength (Mark 12:30) to worship Him. The things that we consider in this series are only a part of that process.

Second, remember that developing prophecy is not a logical progression of tasks to be performed. It is based on relationship. Father, Son and Holy Spirit are involved as well as fallible humans! This is not a "ten steps" prescription to a sure-fire powerful prophetic ministry. So as you read this series, ask the Lord to highlight the relevant bits deep into your personality. Don't worry about the rest - its time will come!


In the last teaching we concentrated on some foundational matters to be considered when stirring up the prophetic.

We saw that all prophecy flows from relationship with Jesus. Making that relationship a priority is the key to everything in Christianity, not just prophecy.

We saw that the core value in prophecy is love, both for Jesus and for others. Unless that core value is there, the ministry will at best be ineffective and at worst destructive.

We saw that you need a gift from God before it can be fanned into flame and listed some of the ways that gift comes from the Lord. The list was pretty all inclusive because, according to His will, God can distribute these gifts to whomever He chooses.

Finally, we looked at the need to have a servant heart and what that means in practice.

Attitudes Of Heart

Moving on from the last point in the previous teaching, we are going to look at some of the attitudes of heart which help to promote ("stir up") the prophetic. (By the way, by "heart" we mean the deep inner motivations of a person, not the physical organ in his or her chest).

True prophecy comes from God:
For prophecy never had its origin in the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit. (2 Pet 1:21 NIV)

God looks at the heart rather than our external appearance / performance:
Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart. (1 Sam 16:7 NIV)

All a man's ways seem right to him, but the LORD weighs the heart. (Prov 21:2 NIV)

So when God is evaluating to whom He is going to give a prophetic gifting, it seems logical that an important part of His evaluation lies in examining the heart of the person:

"I the LORD search the heart and examine the mind, to reward a man according to his conduct, according to what his deeds deserve." (Jer 17:10 NIV)

Indeed it is from the heart that our conduct in life comes:

Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life. (Prov 4:23 NIV) - see also Matthew 12:34

This leaves us with two questions. Question (1) is, "What attitudes do we need in our heart in order to 'stir up the gift'?" We're hopefully going to provide some answers to that question in the remaining paragraphs of this teaching.

Question (2) is, "How do we change our heart to have these attitudes?"

The Bible makes it clear that ultimately it is God who changes hearts:

The king's heart is in the hand of the LORD; he directs it like a watercourse wherever he pleases. (Prov 21:1 NIV) - see also Psalm 33:15, Psalm 51:10

So the most important step is to ask the Lord to change us - and then cooperate with whatever process He uses to do so! (Psalm 26:2-3)

Here are just some of the other important steps the Christian can take to change his or her heart:

  1. Read and meditate upon scripture and personal prophecies from the Lord (Psalm 119:11, 1 Timothy 1:18)
  2. Spend time worshipping (Psalm 9:1)
  3. Learn to speak truth from the heart i.e. with integrity (Psalm 15:2)
  4. Choose to have the thoughts of your heart be pleasing to God (Psalm 19:14)
  5. Ruthlessly root out sin from your heart as God reveals it (Psalm 24:4)
  6. Spend time seeking God in personal prayer and Bible study (Psalm 27:8)
  7. Repeatedly being filled with the Spirit (Ephesians 5:18, Romans 5:5)
Let us now look at some of the heart attitudes conducive towards "stirring up" the gift of prophecy.


In this teaching we have covered some of the attitudes of heart which help "stir up" the prophetic gift within us. We have seen that God places a high value on our heart attitudes and we looked at some of the ways we can cooperate with the Lord in changing our heart.

We then covered some desirable heart attitudes. First we looked at obedience and saw how important a strong desire to obey the Lord is to the prophet. Even Jesus had to learn such obedience!

We then saw the need to earnestly desire the spiritual gifts such that this is a passionate flame within you.

We saw the need to exercise faith and grow in faith. We covered some practical means by which you can do this.

We covered the importance of humility and the very particular danger faced by the prophet in this area if that attitude is not maintained. Pride is one of the fastest ways for a prophet to "go wrong" (which is far more fundamental than just "being wrong" in a particular prophecy) and is a particularly strong temptation for the prophet. We looked at some of the reasons for that and some of the things that we can do (or have done to us!) to help us gain humility.

A strong desire to see Jesus glorified is another important way to "stir up" the prophetic gift.

One must be willing to take risks to grow in the prophetic.

Finally, by relating properly to the rest of the body of Christ and having them relate to you, a major "stirring up" of the gift can occur.

Looking Forward

In the next section of teaching we will examine some of the rules of construction i.e. the basic disciplines which play an important part in "stirring up the gift". We'll look at how things like spending time with God, meditating on the Bible, receiving impartation, fasting and praying in the Spirit can help this whole process.

Questions for Consideration

Q1. What are some the ways the Lord has used to change your heart?

Q2. Why do you desire the gifts of the Holy Spirit?

Q3. How has God humbled you in the past?

Q4. What was the riskiest prophecy you ever received? Did you share it? What happened?

Q5. Do you think the body of Christ in the church today is ready for prophetic ministry? In what areas? Why do you think this? What needs to happen for the prophetic to function properly in the body?

Q6. Do you normally associate prophets with being disciplined people? Is that a valid issue for prophets to pursue? (Hint: 1 Corinthians 9:27, 2 Timothy 2:3-6). What area(s) of discipline do you believe the Lord is inspiring you about?


(1) OK, so "break spiritual strongholds" is Christian jargon. I confess. But this is a big concept and in this case jargon encapsulates it neatly without quadrupling the size of this study to explain it. Briefly, if you - or the people whom you are serving by prophesying - have been subjected to teaching against prophecy (such as 'prophecy is not for today', or 'prophecy ceased with the writing of the Bible', or 'prophecy is of the devil', etc.) then you likely have a problem which limits the amount of faith you can exercise in this area. I recommend you do the following: (a) repent of that teaching (b) renounce and reject it and (c) pray in authority over it to destroy its hold on your thinking (2 Corinthians 10:5) - preferably with the active agreement of at least one other mature Christian (Matthew 18:19).

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