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-- © GodSpeak International 2003 --
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Compiled by: Teresa Seputis ts@godspeak.net http://www.godspeak.net

God Speaks To Us Through The Prophetic

Lesson 2
In Difficult or Scary Times

Compiled By Teresa Seputis

This next set of lessons are not really lessons per sae. They are more a reviewing of some of the things that God has said prophetically to the body of Christ on various topics.

This first "lesson" shares two words that God gave at key traumatic times, where He wanted to reassure His people, build their faith in Him and bring comfort to them.

God's Comment On The Y2K Panic

Back in 1999, there was widespread fear that the software system would break down because of a software deficiency in old code known as the "Y2K bug." The older programs only used two digits for the year and they were afraid the software would crash or act funny because it would not be able to tell Jan 20, 2001 from Jan 20, 1901. This fear started among people, where many thought that banks and other important institutions would stop working. Even though the software professionals were convinced the bug had already been addressed and fixed, there was widespread fear and alarm in the year 1999. Several people, even Christians, stored up food some even expected the whole government (police, fire department, etc) to stop functioning on Jan 1, 2000 because they were dependent on computers.

So the Lord released this word to comfort and reassure His people:


Children, the enemy is unleashing His strategy against the church and against the nations. His strategy is fear, anxiety and terror. He would try to have your hearts fail for fear.. fear of the future, anxiety over the present, concern that your past will rise up and cause you harm. He would have you living in dread of Y2K, storing up food and supplies, and directing your attention to provide for yourself instead of looking to Me to provide for you. Children, do not be motivated by fear, be motivated by My spirit and My direction. He would have you afraid of lawlessness and physical harm coming against you. Don't you know that I have more angels to unleash to take care of you than the enemy has demons to try to harm you? Do not trust in your own resources, trust in Me and My resources.

My way is NOT fear, terror and anxiety. It is peace. It is an assuredness of who I am and of who you are in Me. It is knowing that I am your Father God and that I will take care of you as you commit yourselves to serving Me, for I take care of My children. I have assured you over and over in My word that I am all powerful, that I am a good Father, that I take care of those who diligently seek and serve Me. So why are you struggling to believe this? It is because the enemy has unleashed a dark cloud to come against your minds, to try and confuse your thinking, to cloud the truth of My word. If you fight this in the natural, you will not overcome, because this is a battle in the spirit. You cannot change your thinking patterns though your own strength. You cannot eliminate your fear without putting your minds and your hearts in submission to My spirit and inviting Me to come in with My liberty and My transformation.

Children, I desire to do this for you. I desire to give you My peace. I desire to fill you with My joy. I desire to make you secure in My love and in My caring for you. I desire for your joy to be full regardless of the circumstances around you, that you be supernaturally sustained by My love and that there is a certainty in your heart of My faithfulness and of My ability to work My glory in any situation that I allow you to encounter.

Children, if you love Me, then obey Me; commit your way unto Me and I will direct your path. And I will watch over you and guard you and provide for you. Did I not provide for My children Israel through Joseph in the midst of great famine that swept over their world? Did I not provide for them when Moses led them out of Egypt into My liberty? Did their shoes not wear out? Did not their clothes sustain the entire trip? Did I not strengthen them that there was not a single feeble one among them? Did I not feed them in the wilderness and give them water to drink? Did I not command ravens to feed Elijah when he tarried by the brook during the drought? Did I not ordain a widow to care for him when the brook dried out and also supernaturally make provision for them to eat? Did I not close up the lion's mouth and keep Daniel safe because he was My faithful servant? Did I not multiply the fish and the loaves to feed the multitudes when they came to hear My Son teach and reveal my kingdom to them?

Children, I am the God that does not change. I change not. If I have provided for My servants in the past, why do you think I would not provide for you? Look to Me. Look to Me with expectant hearts, for I shall take care of those who look to Me and trust in Me. I will not forget My faithful servants, I will not allow the enemy to rule their lives.

The battle over your minds is not a natural battle. Do not fight it in your own natural (carnal) strength. Fight it in the spirit.. for it is a spiritual attack against your thinking patterns... an attack that desires to produce fear and anxiety and dread. An attack that desires to move you to try and take care of yourselves instead of trusting Me to take care of you. Be faithful and continue what I have called you to do. Do not stop My kingdom work to store up for yourselves.. be about taking care of My kingdom and I will take care of you.

Fear not, children, for I am with you! I am mighty. I am capable. My heart is for those who's hearts are for Me; who diligently seek after Me and who serve Me with all of their being. I am a loving father and I will take good care of you. Allow My spirit to wash over you right now. Allow Me to show you the areas where you are relying in your own strength and in your own capabilities instead of relying on Me. Confess these to Me and present your fears and anxieties to Me. Allow Me to forgive your unbelief and to heal up your wounds and to give you an assuredness of Who I am and of how faithful I am.

Turn to Me children, and allow Me to flood you with My peace in the midst of what seems like perilous times. My will for you is peace and I will accomplish this in your lives if you are willing.

Children, I am for you and I am with you and I am well able to provide for you and I am willing to do so. So be of good cheer and do not be afraid. I will take good care of you.

God's Comment On The September 11, 2001 Terrorist Attacks On The USA

The entire world sat in horror as the television and internet carried images of two separate planes crashing into the World Trade Center and another plane into the Pentagon. Then they watched in disbelief as the World Trade Center collapsed and people ran away from that area for their very lives. Then they watched in fearful anticipation as rescue workers desperately tried to find survivors among the rubble of both attack sites. Finally they watched with tears in their eyes as bodies of innocent victims were removed and buried, and as many of the brave rescue workers were also buried. Many airline fights around the world were grounded and a fear and anxiety and terror began to settle of people from all around the world as it became clear to them that they were living in perilous times. God released many words of life and encouragement on that solemn and terrifying day. This is one of them:

My child, look to Me, not to the circumstances. For I have put within you a peace that is independent of the volatile circumstances that surround you. Know this, the world is being shaken. The evil prince of this world has come to kill, steal and destroy. For a season, he is being loosed to reign in his terror and has been given authority to harm and to destroy in the nations of this world. But I am come that you might have life. When you made Me your Lord, I put My indwelling Spirit within you. This is your peace.. this is the provision that I have made for you that you might not be shaken in this time of shaking. For I have not left you to face this alone, I am ever with you. I have promised that I would never leave you nor abandon you, and child I will not do so. I am ever with you.

Child, look to Me. You are Mine and I care greatly for you. I desire to fill you with My peace when the circumstances around you would make one anxious. If you look to only the circumstances and you look only to the news, sorrow will fill you and terror will fill your heart. It is OK to sorrow for those who suffer, for I also sorrow for them. My heart is grieved for those who have been harmed and those who have been killed. My passionate desire is that all would come to Me and accept the gift of life that I purchased at such a great price for them. My heart is that all would be filled with My peace and that they would know comfort, safety and joy in Me. I cannot comfort those who will not come to Me, for I will not violate their free will; I have set the choice before them, but they must choose.

But you, Child, you belong to Me and I am with you. Do not give way to fear and do not give way to despair, for I am your covering and your provision. My Holy Spirit is inside of you that I might fill you with My hope, so that despair will have no power over you. For a season I have been training you to hear My voice, that I might lead you clearly in the paths of safety. As you look to Me, I will direct you, even to the point of telling you "don't go there, it is not safe." I am going to lead you clearly and show you what path to walk in. For I am not a distant God, but one that is ever present with My Children, one that cares greatly for them and one that watches over them. So do no let your hearts be filled with fear... look to Me that My peace may prevail over you.

Have I not said in Psalm 91 that a thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it shall not come near you. Have I not promised to be with you in trouble and to deliver you. For it is My plan and My intention to lead and guide My people. I will warn them of danger as they look to Me and I will cause them to walk in safety.

I have made a provision for you, child of Mine, that you not be shaken in the time of great shaking. For I am faithful and I love you dearly. Look to Me for peace and you shall receive My "peace that passeth all understanding." Put your trust in Me and you will see how faithful I am to My own dear ones. Even now present your heart to Me and I will fill it with a greater measure of My peace. Do not be anxious about the circumstances. Look to Me. I am your provision and I care greatly for you. Walk in My peace for I am with you.


God has never promised us that we would not have any problems or hardships or tribulations. In fact, He promised that we would have them. Jesus said, "These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world" (John 16:33). God will not abandon us in the midst of hard times. He will be with us in all things, to give us His peace and to work His glory in them. He as promised us that "in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose" (Romans 8:28). We can look to God in the midst of difficult times and He will give us His peace in the midst of it all. God is faithful. He will not abandon us nor will He give us more than we can bare. So when difficult times come, look to Him and know that He will be with us in them.

-- © GodSpeak International 2003 --
-- Do not republish without written permission from <copyright@godspeak.org> --

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