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-- © GodSpeak International 2002 --
-- Do not republish without written permission from <copyright@godspeak.org> --
Author: Jim Wies <jimmy@edify-ministries.org> http://www.edify-ministries.org
Editor: Teresa Seputis

The Dynamics of Team Ministry

by Jim Wies

Lesson 8

Guidelines for Developing Prophetic Teams in the Local Church

(This lesson was adapted, with permission, from material developed by Dr. Bill Hamon and Christian International Ministries Network.)

This teaching is designed to present a plan for establishing and training prophetic teams in the local church or ministry. Please note that this is only one possible approach. It is not meant as a rigid pattern for every local church to follow. Flexibility is emphasized, and the model presented here should be modified according to one's purpose, vision, locale, culture, leadership style, organizational structure, etc. We encourage each ministry to adjust the teaching to adapt to what they sense their individual purpose and pattern is for establishing and training teams. This teaching should be adjusted to fit every church's (or school's) own particular needs. Individuals on each team should be made aware of the ministry's vision, organizational structure, goals, guidelines and qualifications for candidates for prophetic teams.

(This teaching targets establishing prophetic teams who are moving in the vocal gifts. But the team concepts shared here are not limited to prophecy. The concepts could easily apply to forming and training "healing teams.")

The following is a suggestion on how to select and establish team members. It is one model for developing and training a team. This model has three stages.

STAGE ONE: Identify Potential Ministry Team Members

The Pastor or leader will need to identify those who evidence a greater ability or potential to operate in the prophetic. To discern potential candidates for further team training, the following opportunities are suggested.


(This is one commonly used method at the beginning of new ministry) This can be done by having mature saints willing to be "practiced on" and have the group minister to him/her.

Step 1

During scheduled ministry, have two or three potential team members stand behind and lay hands on the ministry recipient's shoulder. And then they extend their faith for a word for the person being ministered to. After the leaders have ministered, have the newest potential team member give their thought, impression and/or prophetic word.

Step 2

As new participants come to the school/class, the potential team member should be "promoted." (As an example, he/she might have started out as fourth but now is the third to prophesy.)

Step 3

Eventually the potential team member will minister immediately following the leader and will stand in front of the ministry recipient.

Step 4

If the potential team members continue to grow in their prophetic gift, then allow them to stand in front of the ministry recipient and prophesy first.

During this training period, the minister must be alert to adjust any error on cassette tape - without publicly correcting trainees.

Not many people receive prophetic ministry using this method. However, remember that the purpose of this style of ministry is to give opportunity to prophesy so that a base or core group can be selected for further training, thereby multiplying and expanding the ministry's effectiveness.


Give potential team members who have a heart and ability to minister as much opportunity as possible to prophesy. Keep in mind that they grow "by reason of use" (Heb. 5:14). Remember, leadership should be looking for more leaders.

Note that the responsibility to correct and adjust remains with the leadership. You may need to privately adjust those who are demonstrating persistent problems. Examples of potential problems include:

As potential leaders begin to emerge, constantly impart the vision of the house, encouragement, and values such as integrity, servanthood, right spirit, etc.


From those who remain in the group, look for those who are faithful, loyal, teachable, etc. The core will begin to surface. Begin to concentrate on the next phase, which is training these people as possible ministry team leaders.

STAGE TWO: Scheduled Training Meetings

At this stage of development, you should have been able to glean a good "stock" out of potential team candidates. Next is to progress to scheduling specific meeting times for these potential members only. Remember, you don't have to recruit them for teams! Just make the announcement and the eager ones will show up. Here is a sample format for the training meeting:

  1. A good activation to use at this stage is the circle. Form a circle of about ten people (or however many potential leaders you have). Place one person in the center of the circle and in order around the circle, have each member give a "thought from the throne." After you have done this exercise about three times, you can begin to see who has persistent difficulties in certain areas. Ask the candidates, "Who would like to share any observations you have made about yourself? Such as, 'I notice that I repeat a lot' or 'I tend to talk too long because it doesn't seem like the one being prophesied to understands' or 'I'm not sure the word I received was from my soul (mind, will, emotions) or my spirit'." If the team members make observations about themselves, it will help them to grow and be more productive. Remember to use the "oil of encouragement" to help them stretch!

  2. During this exercise, you can also have the trainees take turns being the "leader" while you observe. Make sure there is ample time for feedback.

  3. Remember, you are not just looking for trained team members, you are also looking for leaders for the team(s). As you train the teams, look for individuals who exhibit the traits listed below. When you see an individual with these traits, you may have identified a potential team leader.

    • Consistent and accurate in giving and judging the word
    • Able to manage the circle well
    • Are faithful
    • Have good attitude

STAGE THREE: Utilization Begins

When you have enough group or team leaders to facilitate your group, then you are ready to utilize the new team leaders in prophetic teams. God wants every one to put their gifts to work to bless and edify their fellow members of the Body of Christ.

1 Peter 4:10 states; "As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God."

Ongoing Team Training

These stages and steps are only suggested guidelines. If your vision is to establish a school for prophetic teams, then these suggestions should get you started.

-- © GodSpeak International 2002 --
-- Do not republish without written permission from <godspeak@godspeak.org> --

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