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Date: Sep 27, 2004

This word is submitted by Teresa Seputis (TS@godspeak.org)


                   Pursue Me And You Will Find Me

Child of Mine, do not allow yourself to push away from Me by spending
all of your time on things that are of no value.  Do not fill your 
thoughts with things that will not last.  Do not become so distracted 
by these things that our relationship slips.  Instead, pursue Me and 
you will find Me!

Some of My children fill their attention with things to entertain, with
television or computer games or internet or books and the like -- to the 
point where they have no time left to spend with Me.  Some skip reading 
My word to read the newspaper or to leaf through a magazine.  Some skip 
worship and listen instead to secular music on the radio or on CD.  None 
of those things (television, computer, books, radio) are inherently evil.  
But the enemy uses them for evil purposes in My children's lives when 
they become a replacement for spending time with Me.  So, do not allow 
these things to interfere in our relationship or to pull you away from 
spending intimacy time with Me.  Instead, pursue Me and you will find Me!

Child, I desire that we draw close.  I am bigger and vaster than you can
possibly imagine.  I desire to reveal more and more of Myself to you as 
we linger together in prayer and intimacy. I desire to flood your senses 
with My nearness and My presence as you come before Me in worship.  I 
desire to speak to you as you linger before Me, I desire to tell you of 
My plans and destiny for you.  I desire to strengthen you, to flood you 
with My peace and My joy.  I want to form My character and My glory in 
your life.  I want us to spend time together that you might get to know 
Me.  I want you to become more and more like Me as I transform you in My 
presence. I desire to saturate you with My love and to hold you in My 
arms.  I want to brush off the last traces of rejection and failure and 
inadequacy that hold you back.  I want us to draw near to each other 
and spend quality time together.  There is so much I want to show you, 
so much I want to tell you and so much I want to do in your life.  I have 
so many good things I want to give to you, but I can only give them to 
you when you begin to linger in My presence and spend time with Me.  So,
pursue Me and you will find Me!

Child, I will not force you into intimacy with Me.  You must come with a
willing heart.  I will not force you to worship before Me, for your worship
must be given to Me of your own free will, or else I take no pleasure in
it.  But if you will pursue Me in worship, you will find Me!

Draw near to Me, child, and I will draw near to you.  The more you draw
near to Me in worship and intimacy, the more I will increase your ability 
to experience My presence surrounding you.  For as you give more of 
yourself to Me, I reveal more of Myself to you. Along with that, I will 
give you more of My power and anointing.  In order to come into intimacy 
with Me, you must give Me a high priority in your life.  You must put 
aside the distractions and press into Me. Pursue Me, child, pursue Me.  
Set aside intimacy and worship time with Me each day, and guard it as a 
thing of great value -- do not allow anything to crowd out our time
together.  And when we are together, ask Me to reveal Myself to you that
you might know Me better.  Ask Me to teach you My ways and to empower you 
to walk in them -- for I delight to do that for My dear children when
they ask Me. So pursue Me actively, child of Mine, and you will surely
find Me!