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Date: September 26, 2006

This word is submitted by Grant Turner [grant@alastairturner.fsnet.co.uk]


                            Soar Free

The Lord gave me an impression of a dove being released from a cage to
fly free, soaring into the clear air.

Seeking an interpretation, I felt the Spirit indicate that it is a
message for a number of believers in the Body of Christ (including
myself), and I felt Him say:

"My dear one, let Me free from the cage you have kept Me in, allow Me to
fly free, to flood all areas of your being with the life and love of
God.  Allow Me to guide you, empower you, and bring all aspects of your
life under the Lordship of Christ, to bring you into the freedom found
in Him and His will.

"My dear one, don't you realize that by refusing to allow Me to enter the
parts of your life that you are still either keeping for yourself or
feel are too dark and horrible for Me to be able to enter in, that you
are withholding My grace, My power, and the freedom I want to give you
from those areas?  The more you keep parts of yourself and your life
from Me and My authority, the more you will continue to struggle on in
your own strength, vulnerable to the attacks of the enemy, and you will
continue to experience the increasing disillusionment and despair of
constant failure in these areas of your life.

"My dear one, it rends My heart to see you in such pain and hurt, I long
for you to give yourself fully to Me and allow Me the freedom to work
fully in your life, and bring you into the freedom that is found by
walking fully in Me.  Allow Me to empower you for work to which I have
called you, and make you fruitful to glory of the Father.

"My dear one, I long to show you what I am able to do within your life,
you circumstances, and in your relationships - will You release Me from
the cage you have put Me in, and allow Me the freedom to work fully in
Your life, you know I won't do it against your will.  Will you allow Me
to soar free?"