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Date: Sep 25, 2002

This word is submitted by Claudia Mondesire (CMondesire@aol.com)


           Is There Any Thing Too Hard For Me?

Behold I. Am the Lord the God of all flesh is there any thing to hard for 
Me?  Believe on Me and I will see you through.  I will pull you across the 
finish line if I have to, hold on!  You are not in this alone.  Stop looking 
at the flames, and seek My Face. I Am near, seek Me I can be found.  I will 
order your foot steps for your next assignment.

Change your focus from the confusion sent by the enemy. Focus on My voice 
and My Word, for in My Word is the truth concerning you. You need truth in 
the time of struggle. You need the truth about My love for you.  So, gird 
up your loins and stand, stand still and see My salvation.

I am refining you, the enemy is testing you.  My grace and My Word are what 
you need to pass this test with flying colors.  This affliction is ripening 
the fruit, and you must bear the fruit of the Spirit.  The lost will know 
My love as you bear the fruit of the Spirit.  Some of you have allowed 
the enemy to harden your heart.  I am tenderizing those hearts, so that 
My Spirit can penetrate them.  I need your heart soft toward My people, I 
love them so much!

Declare this day a day of liberation from fear.  This is a day of victory, 
a day of worship.  For I Am Jehovah Sabboth, I will fight for you.  Stay 
put, don't desert now.  You can make it, rest in Me.  

If you need courage, ask for it.  If you need wisdom ask for it -- I will 
supply all you needs.  I have gifted you to share your gifts.  I have 
filled you to pour you out and refill you again and again.  Your time and 
talent belong to Me.  You are Mine, so surrender to My will.  

You can't bargain with Me to get out of trials and tests.  But during the 
time of testing, I will give you courage to defy the enemy and go out into 
the battle field and do what you've been created to do.  As you go forward, 
you will find yourself at the next level, promoted meet for the Master's 