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Date: September 22, 2009

This word is submitted by Steve Bliss [godsfire@msn.com]


               Out Of Egypt And Into The Kingdom.

    "You yourselves have seen what I did to Egypt and how I lifted 
    you on eagles' wings and brought you to Myself." --Exodus 19:4 [NET]

Yes, you are My prize. I have taken you out of the worldly darkness 
and I placed My light within you. I have called you into My ways. You 
will not be satisfied with the things of your past. I have placed a 
hunger within you. It is a holy discontent so you might draw closer 
to Me. 

It is My will that you mature in the gifting I have placed within you. 
I am honing you; molding you so you will not crumble under the coming 
pressures.. I have brought you out so they may see My mighty hand of 
mercy. There is nothing I want more than the maturing of the bride.

You are My prize, so do not be surprised at what I shall sow you. I 
need to create trust within you, so you might mover ever=closer to Me 
in all aspects of your life.