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Date: Sep 22, 2005

This is submitted by Inez Brinkley (ibrinkley@jam.rr.com)


               I Will Give You Signs & Wonders
You seek for miracles, you seek for signs. But child, I long for you to seek
Me.  Don't look at what I can do, just look at Me.  For I long to have you 
walk with Me daily.  I long to have you talk to Me daily.  Seek Me, child 
of Mine, for I am your comfort and your joy.  Life without Me would be bleak 
and empty.  

What good are signs and wonders without the One who saved your soul? Come,
let us reason together.  You cannot fully imagine the depth of My love.  
You cannot fully imagine how I care about everything in your life, even 
the tiniest details.  I even care about your pets and I watch over them to 
keep them safe, only because it makes you so happy.
I love you, My child, and I long to fellowship with you every day.  Yes, I 
will show you signs, wonders, and miracles.  But only after you seek Me for 
fellowship.  I will even use you for signs and wonders.  But I cannot use 
an empty vessel.
Come, let Me fill you up.