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Date: September 19, 2003

This word is submitted by Gertrude Jensen (gdjensen@peoplepc.com)


                             Sword of Life

The Name of the Lord is a straight arrow shot into the heart of the
enemy. Instead of taking a life, it saves. Surround your enemies with
love and My words. The victory then is sweet and you will posses it. 
My Name is your power, your mighty sword, use It for It was given to 
you without blemish, without condition, freely given that you might 

My Voice comes to you sometimes as a soft whisper, sometimes as a mighty 
wind. Listen for It, wait for It, be blessed by It. I speak to you always, 
quiet yourself and listen. I hold your answers, answers to questions you 
haven't asked yet. Be peaceful for I am with you and have surrounded you 
loved ones in grace. At their door stands a warrior angel with a fiery 
sword of protection  keeping them safe. Rest in Me, leave your worries at 
My feet and rejoice in My Love.