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Date: September 17, 2003

This word is submitted by Maria Magruder (staff@lifelineoutreach.com)


                    Expect The Impossible

This is the hour of the things, which have not been seen in the past or
present to manifest. The things that appear to man to be impossible,
will now emerge into the natural realm, according to your faith. 
According to your faith, so be it, for faith is a force, faith does the
impossible, faith moves God to perform His promises and Words to you
that He has spoken for all these weeks, months or maybe even years. 
Faith pursues your destiny.  It is a pursuer of all God has promised
you.  For it is in faith that lies the victory, that overcomes the

Expect to see the impossible, I heard the Lord say.  Expect to see the
impossible begin to manifest in your life, in your ministry, in your
businesses.  For God desires to do more exceedingly abundantly, above
ALL you could ever ask of Him or above all you could ever even think!
(Eph 3:20) Allow your thoughts to go BIG.  Expand your thinking, expand
your tent pegs.  Go beyond your mindset, to the mind of Christ, where
nothing is impossible with Him.  Stretch yourself in faith; stretch
yourself in vision, for whatever you have in your heart to do for the
Kingdom of God, He has something much grander, much larger, and much
greater in mind for you.  Be sure and ask in faith, believing you have
received already, not doubting or wavering, lest that person shall not
receive anything.  God is calling you to a higher level of expectancy in
everything you do.  Settle for nothing less than the power of God in
every area of your life.  God is a liberal giver, and gives without

Expect to see the impossible emerge in your life.  What has been
impossible in the past is possible.  Mission possible.  The mission
became possible 2000 years ago on the cross, which Jesus laid His life
down and raised again, paralyzing the devil, and his little imps. 
Expect to see the impossible in your life turn to possible.  For this is
a turn around period for His children  and those who are sons and
daughters of the Most High, who are about to reveal the glory of God. 
Those things that have not moved in your life, that have been a wall, a
barrier or a dead end, will turn around, as you continue to obey the
voice of God in everything you do.  Do everything by the Spirit, live
and have your being in the anointing.  For everything you need is in the
anointing.  For it is by His Spirit, and not by our own power or might. 

This is the hour where the blessings of God will hunt you down!  As you 
make His Word the ultimate authority and final say in your life concerning 
His commandments and His promises to you, the blessings of God overtake 
you.  Angels have already been released with blessings for you, the sons 
and daughters of God.  They are on a mission to hunt you down and deliver 
the blessing no matter where you are -- they will find you.

Expect the impossible.  Expect to see the things that you haven't been
able to shake or move, as you speak the word of faith, to move, it will
move.  Faith is the key to the supernatural.   With faith you can go to
the throne in confidence and boldness requesting whatever you need,
KNOWING you have received it.  For God desires to equip you with all you
need in this last hour, from your personal needs to the things of
building His Kingdom.  For you have been commissioned to global impact,
you have been commissioned to a mission, a mission that is possible with

It is a time for occupying, for the Church to occupy what has been
stolen by the devil and take it back.  It is time to take your place. 
The Church will bind the strong man, and rob his house.  The Church 
will be the sign that will cause the world to wonder, because of the
resources that are about to be released into the Church's hands.  Ask
BIG, ask beyond what your mind can comprehend, ask for the surplus.  Ask
for mantles, ask for anointings, as for ministry giftings, for God will
give you all these things, and give them to you liberally, for He is a
liberal giver.

So, what can you expect?  You can expect for ministries that have been
un-heard of to emerge overnight with signs and wonders.  For ministries
that are already established to not just go to another level in the
spirit, but to jump levels, bypass levels, and going for a quantum leap.
Expect every circumstance that looks impossible now to turn around
quickly.  Within months for many will be a huge turn around in finances.  
Expect your prophetic destiny to manifest, and call it forth.  Expect 
miracles like never before.  Expect miraculous healings like never before.  
Expect sign's and wonder's that all of earth has never seen.  Expect 
global impact, for it is a global commissioning.  Expect global revival.  
Expect that Jesus is coming soon.