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Date: Sep 17, 2002

This word is submitted by Denise Lagrimas (chosen91@juno.com)


			Take Action

I have called you to be men and women of God almighty. I have called
you to a place of victory not defeat, I have called you to be imitators
of My Son Jesus to walk as He walked to love as He loved even to your
death. I have asked you to be My representatives upon the land and to
fulfill the plan for humanity. I did not create life that you should
destroy it either with your hands or your mouths. I created life that I
might be blessed and worshipped through them who are upon this land. 

As the days grow shorter until the return of My Son, your opportunities 
have increased to speak the Gospel and share My love that others will not 
be left behind. I look upon this world and it is with sadness that I see 
so many downtrodden and cast away simply because another has failed to
believe my Word is true. 

It is not your unbelief that keeps you from receiving; it is your lack 
of action!  Peter would never have walked on water if he had stayed in 
the boat. The woman with  the issue of blood would never have been healed 
if she did not press her way through and reach up for her healing. 
Get out of the boat and reach up for healing that you may receive your 
strength for what is ahead.