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Date: September 15, 2006

This word is submitted by Don Froess [dfroess@telus.net]


                           Be Encouraged

My child, I have called you for such a time as this. Do not be anxious
or restless, for though it seems like hopelessness and frustration is
all around, and you feel like you are not moving forward.

I tell you the exact opposite is happening, for each day your outward man
is perishing, while your inward man is being renewed and strengthened.
If you would walk according to the Spirit, My Child, you would not fulfill
the lusts of the flesh.  So do not say to yourself, "I will go here or I
will go there."  I call on you to be patient and let Me have My perfect work
in you so you be mature and lack nothing.

I will send you, then shall you truly be "a sent one." Distractions come
and go, do not allow the enemy and your lusts lead you where you are not
covered. If you trust Me then trust also My Father Who sent Me, for it is
His good pleasure to give you the kingdom.

Be of good cheer, My child, for I know your needs and I will supply all of
them. Rest in this place and have joy and peace in the Holy Ghost. I am
coming and I will reward each one according to their works, for in the end
you will say. "I have only done what the Lord required of me."