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Date: September 14, 2010

This word is submitted by Ian Ross [ian.ross@telkomsa.net]


             No Other Can Save, No Other Can Redeem

    "Turn to Me and be saved, all you ends of the earth; for I 
    am God, and there is no other." -- Isaiah 45:22

I am a compassionate and faithful God, and I will never leave My own. 
I am watching over them day and night to keep them from all harm. 

Many are the woes of the wicked, but My own will I keep according to My 
love for them. The times you are living in are filled with trouble, and 
many more testing will be sent upon the earth. Those who look to Me 
will be saved for I am able to keep them, even in the midst of the 

My words to you today, are to put your hope in Me, to trust Me to the 
end. No other can save you, no other can redeem. Throw yourself on Me, 
and find rest for your soul.