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Date: Sep 10, 2007

This word is submitted by Teresa Seputis [ts@godspeak.net]


                       It Is Time

I am opening My people's eyes to plight of the world around them.
For too long, many of My own have turned their focus inward. They
have been so concerned with the things that effect them directly,
that they are not aware of the many who have not yet come to know
Me. They have thought that the things going on in other nations did
not concern them, and as a result, they have not been advancing My
kingdom and bringing My breakthrough into these situations.

That has gone on too long and will continue no longer. I am awakening
My church to the plight of the world, and of many lost souls who do
not yet know Me. It is time for them to open their eyes and see what
My Father is doing, for He is advancing His kingdom. He is moving into
the "dark territories" that the enemy has held for many years, and
He is taking them back for His glory.

The nations--yes, all of the nations--were created to honor God the
Father, and glorify His name. It is time for them to fulfill their
destiny. It is time for the lost to hear the Good News of My
salvation. It is time to break the enemy's fetters off of them, to
set them free from the oppression of the evil one. It is time for
the kingdom of God to advance into the many kingdoms of this world,
that all things may be put back in their rightful place.

It is time for My creation to give the glory that is due to their
Creator. It is time for all men to come to Me and to know My
goodness, mercy and love. And that is why I am sending out My body
to win the lost.

Have I not told you that you are My witnesses? Did I not tell you to
share the good news of what I have done for you in your Jerusalem,
your Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth? But the vast
majority of My body, if they act as witnesses at all, do so only in
their Jerusalem, in their local territory.

Do not misunderstand: it is good to be My witness in all that you
do, in every aspect of your day to day life. If you open up your
eyes, you will seem that I will make many opportunities for you to
do this. But being My witness at home does not excuse My body from
"the uttermost parts of the earth."

I am going to be sending out more and more of My own on short term
mission trips, that they might testify of Me in the nations. I am
going to be relocating many of My own to short term overseas
assignments in their jobs, so that they might testify of what I have
done for them. I am going to be moving financial pillars and job
opportunities out of the Western nations, that some of My people
will migrate to other nations for the employment, bringing the Good
News of the gospel with them as they go.

I am going to send My people to the nations, so that they might bear
witness of Me. Some will go willingly and with great joy, reaping
rewards in Heaven for their obedience. Others will go under duress,
forced by circumstances they cannot control to go to places that they
did not desire to go to. I would prefer to send them out willingly.
But even if they are unwilling, I will still send them out, for it
is time for My body to be My witness in all of the nations of the
world. It is time for the lost to come to know Me, that I might bring
greater glory to My Father.