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Date: Sep 10, 2004

This word is submitted by Jane Larsen (jlarsen65@hotmail.com)


                  Moving Out

You have toiled and strained, you have held on, despite the height of 
the climb, you never let go.  You kept your eyes ahead, you looked up, 
not at what was below you, but at what was before you.  No matter how 
hard the path became, you kept your eyes focused on Me and what was yet 
to be seen, for My promises burned in your heart and you aimed for them.  
I told you the path was narrow; I did not promise an easy walk, but I 
promised you the strength to come through. I promised My presence to 
always be with you, I promised no harm would come to you.  You 
remembered.  You have reached the top.  You have overcome.  You are on 
the victory there; victorious you stand.

And you have walked the dry and arid lands, you have been alone, often
rejected, often ridiculed, and great has been the heat and long the 
journey.  Yet you remained clothed in Me and found peace, even here in 
the lonely and burning place.  You knew I was there, despite feeling 
abandoned, for you know that I hold your hand, that I will deliver you 
safely through the storm that rages but for a time.  You have moved 
deeper towards Me, and gained wisdom, peace and strength.  It is time 
to be led out of this place into the valley of abundance where you can 
rest in Me.

Precious one, I have heard your prayers and seen you on bended knees.  
Yes, I am your El Shaddai, to whom you have called, to whom you have 
praised, to whom you have given the glory no matter what your situation, 
no matter where you are or who you are with.  Great is your reward, for 
you followed Me and turned to Me at all times. I have heard the prayers 
of your lips, I have seen the deep places of your heart and I will 
answer.  Be still.  This is a time of great breakthrough.

And you who were dead in sin have been set free and brought to life.  
You have seen the truth.  You called out to Me from the bottomless pit 
and I heard you.  You searched for Me and found Me.  You knocked and 
you came in.  Now you are alive in Me.  You are a new person.  There is 
nothing to fear, I am with you, I will teach you, I will fill the empty 
spaces and so great will be your joy.  Do not look back but keep your 
eyes on Me, for I am the One Who has set you apart, Who has called your 
name, Who loves you.

Gather together, My precious ones, from the places you have been and be
ready, for there is much work to be done.  You will be sent to the North 
and the South, you will move into the East and the West, you will go to 
hard places, to hot places and to cold places, but you will not go alone 
and you will not feel faint.  You are strong, you are victorious, and now 
you will take My name to places, to people, to governments, to islands.  
A great movement is coming.  The time is here.  The time is now.  You 
have been prepared, you have been made ready.  Take your place.  I am 
calling you out.