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Date: Sep 9, 2002

This word is submitted by Teresa Seputis (ts@godspeak.org)


                           I Have Validated You

Child of Mine, why are you looking to man for your validation?  Do you
not know that I have chosen you from before the world began?  Do you not
know that I have placed My own Spirit within you to guide you and to 
transform you and to conform you to My image?  Do you not know that,
even before time began, I called your name and I selected you for a plan
and for My purpose?

Do not say, "I am not able."  For I say unto you, truely you can do all
things through Me, I am your strength and your substance, and I make all
things possible to My elect.  I have placed My spirit within you, and I 
have placed My anoniting upon you.  How then can you say, "I am nothing?"
Child, you are created in My image and My spirit dwells in you... therefore
you are the work of My hands and the work of My heart and of great value
to Me.

Child of Mine, do not be defined by what others say about you.  Be 
defined, rather, by what I have said about you and by what I have said to
you.  Do you think that My promises to you are null and void because they
take longer to be fulfilled than you expected?  Do you think that I am not
able to fulfill My word to you?  If you believe that I am able, and that
I have selected and called you, and that I have prepared a destiny for you --
then why do you doubt that you are of value to Me?  Why do you doubt that
My power and authority and anointing will flow through you and that you
will, with Me, do the things that I am doing to advance My kingdom?  Why
do you doubt that I have a plan and a purpose that was specially created
for you, that is given to none other than you?

Child, you are special and you are called and you are anointed. Child of
Mine, I have allowed you to be called by My own name, to be identified
with Me, to carry on My purposes and to do My work.  The angels have desired
that which I have given to you, but they were not allowed to obtain it.  
For the angels were not created in My image, they do not carry My spirit 
within them and I did not lay down My own life to redeem them. Child, you 
are of great value to Me. 

You enemy, the devil, desires to cast you down, to make you feel small, to
get you to disqualify yourself from doing with Me what I am doing in this
earth.  Your enemy says you are small and that you are of no account.  But 
your enemy is a liar and the father of liars.  So who will you believe?
Will you believe what the enemy is saying to you and about you?  Or will
you believe Me?  

Child, I have validated you, and you need no other to validate you.  I have 
called and selected you.  I am actively working in you and transforming you 
to be even more like Me.  I have called you by name, I have declared your 
value and I have put My anointing and My gifting upon you.  Do you think I 
would pour Myself into vessels of no value, into vessels of no worth?  I 
say unto you, you are of great value simply because you are houses and 
containers of My spirit. By My presense within you, I fill you with value 
and I fill you with anointing.  So even if I did not care for you personally, 
you would still be of great value simply because My spirit dwells within you.

But child of Mine, I do care greatly for you, I love you and I value you and 
I hear your prayers and I see your tears and I feel your pain and I enjoy 
your joy and I know every situation that you face.  I have put My hand of 
protection over you and I have prevented many of the schemes that the enemy 
has devised aginst you.  I have allowed some through that you may learn to 
war, that you may mature and that you may be established in faith.  I watch 
over you and I am with you to substain you in all that I allow you to 
experience.  I have given you My peace... and if you will embrace it, you 
will not be shaken no matter what circumstances come your way.  Would I do 
all of this for one that I do not love, for one that I do not value?  Child, 
you are of extreme value to Me and I care for you greatly.  

It does not matter if man does not recognize or acknowledge your value, you 
are of great value to Me, and I will work My glory in you and through you.  
Be defined by what I say of you.  I have validated you and you do not need 
any other's validation.  You are of great value.