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Date: Sep 08, 2004

This word is submitted by James Donovan (JDono78832@aol.com)


                     Arise My Army

This is the time to arise out of sleep and slumber and the usual place. 
Arise and go forth in My boldness and in My authority. I have called you 
out of darkness to be My light bearers. My destiny is on your lives to 
be fruitful boughs bringing My glory and truth to the nations. So arise, 
sound the trumpet, let My words of life come forth out of your mouth 
gates.  Let My love flow through you and out to those who are hungry 
and thirsty for newness of life. This is the time to declare My words 
of love.

These are the days of a mighty harvest of souls and a great revival of 
My people. I am raising up My own, who will humble themselves and call 
upon My name and turn from wickedness. Then I shall heal there land. 
Yes, I am bringing restoration in these days. So arise and sound the 
trumpet. Declare that I am risen and I am alive and I am breathing life 
into My people through My Holy Spirit.  I am pouring out My love upon 
the nations of the world. 

So hearken to My voice and be a doer of My word, not just a hearer only. 
It is time to go forth and proclaim My oracles and set the captives 
free. In this day and hour you shall see much fruit of your labor, for 
it is harvest time!  So arise and let My light shine through you. Let My 
light expel darkness and bring hope, healing and restoration to My people 
in this time of trials. I am pouring out My love to My people!  It is 
time to receive My love and become carriers of My love and passion in 
these days.  Go forth and declare; I am the Way, the Truth and the Life!  
This is the time to arise and flow in My anointing!  You shall see much 
increase as My people arise and spend time in deep intimacy with Me.  
Then many shall come to know Me as Lord. 

So arise and declare I am alive.