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This word is submitted by Sharon Marks (sschmalfuss@snet.net)

----- Faithful Shepherds

Faithful shepherds of My flock, I have seen your trials and I have seen your persecutions and I know your heart; as Job was tested--for I knew his integrity and righteousness; so have I allowed your testing. Know that in these things you have been made strong, My faithful ones. You cry out to me in the mid-night hour and you lift your voice to your God with praise and adoration in the darkest of hours. I have seen and I have heard and I am well pleased. I will take you into the desert for a time for there is much I wish to impart to you. This is not a desert that is void of Me but a desert of being completely alone with and in Me.

Embrace Me and all that I speak to you. For soon, very soon, I shall send many your way ... the broken, the poor, the wounded, the hopeless, the unwanted, the frightened, the run-aways. Those that others would look upon and walk away from; for they see with their eyes and not with their hearts. They JUDGE who is worthy to speak to and who is not, BUT I SAY, you have kept yourselves holy unto Me and unto My ways and will. Your hearts have remained broken and pure. You come before Me in spirit and in truth and I AM WELL PLEASED. I have put within you a compassion for those that have no compassion, a love for those who are unloved. A longing, a desire, a yearning, a compelling to reach out to those who are unreachable and who have been cast aside by the world. In these shall you build a mighty vineyard for My glory; it will bear much good fruit and by this, man shall know and come to Me through you.

In this time many will run to My sanctuary which I have entrusted to you, and it will be filled and flowing out into the streets. In this sanctuary shall you leave a remnant of that which I have instilled in you; for you have established it on solid ground and a solid foundation in My Son.

There are times of trials and tribulation that shall come; there shall come a shaking and a quaking of the church and I shall send a consuming fire to burn away the chaff; a fire to begin refining those who will be raised up, I will send My wind to fan this flame and My rain to set the metal in them. I will purge the dross from this church and all those who would contend with you shall contend with Me! In this will come cleansing and refreshing, strength and substance, faithfulness to Me and to the shepherds of the sheep. I will knit you one to the other and to your God and nothing shall separate you from Me.

You shall be a sword that cuts through the darkness of the evil one and the light of My Son that dwells within you shall expose him and bring all things to light . I will begin to expose those that speak falsely against My shepherds and My wrath shall be kindled against those who will not repent.

Remain steadfast My chosen ones. For I now begin a new work in you and as Jacob's ladder carried him from glory to glory so shall I carry you. Look up! For I am extending My ladder to you. Grab hold and climb! Reach out ... I will not let you go!

Rev.Sharon Marks