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Date: Sep 1, 2008

This word is submitted by Teresa Seputis [ts@godspeak.net]


               Do Not Grow Weary In Well-Doing

My child, do not grow weary in well-doing. Do not allow the enemy of
your soul to wear you out, drag you down, or discourage you. Don't 
you realize that this is one of his strategies against you, designed
to shut you down and make you ineffective.

At times he uses direct attack and confrontation. At times he tries to 
get you so busy with tasks that I have not assigned to you, so that you 
are too exhausted to do the things that I have given you to do. And at
other times, he will play mind-games with your expectations. He will
tell you that you are working so hard, and no one appreciates what
you are doing. Or he will try to convince you that all of your efforts
to obey and honor Me are for naught, and are accomplishing nothing.

But I say to you--don't listen to his voice, for he is a liar and he
has no power over you. 

Choose to believe My truth, and know that I am with you always. I am 
doing a good work in you life, and I desire to do good works through 
you. So again, I say to you: do not grow weary in well-doing.