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Date: Aug 31, 2005

This word is submitted by Jane Larsen (jlarsen65@hotmail.com)


                             The Way

The grass on the other side is not greener.  The grass on the other side 
is not on your side.  Remember, I have promised you that I will lead you.  
My Holy Spirit will tell you, "This is the way, walk in it."  Walk in 
righteousness before Me the way that I lead.

I will make your paths straight, and I will keep you on the right road.  
Many things will come your way, this I know.  They will come to try to 
test you, but I have promised that I will make a way out; I have promised 
that you will not be given more than you can bear.  Temptations will come 
your way.  Keep your eyes on Me and follow  as I call.   The enemy will 
try to distract you.  Close your ears to his lies and hear Me, for I will 
always tell you the truth.  Problems may come, for you live in the world, 
but I have said that I will cast the mountain into the sea and make the 
way straight before you.

I have much planned for you along your way.  I have plans to prosper you.  
Plans to strengthen you.  In all things and through all times, I will be 
with you, even standing next to you through each day and all it brings to 
you.  Let your heart be joyful for you are triumphant in Me.