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Date: August 29, 2003

This word is submitted by Christopher Longgrear (freshfiremin@juno.com)


                  God is in the fire! 

"God is in the fire!  He is a consuming fire, and as you look into the 
fire you discern His glory!  As you enter into the fire, you behold His 
likeness!  As you move into the fire, you are embraced by Him!

God spoke to Moses from within the burning bush, His glory consumed
the bush, yet it wasn't destroyed.  Likewise, God's fire wants to 
consume you, burning away the chaff,  further refining and revealing His 
majesty within you!  Just as the Lord sent Moses from His presence into 
the courts of Pharaoh, so will He do likewise to you, as you embrace the 
fire of God within that has already engulfed you! 

Just as the Lord of glory appeared to His prophets of old in the form of
"fire from the loins upward and downward", so He makes His ministers of
today as flames of fire!  As the Lord manifested as tongues of fire in 
the upper room in Jerusalem on the day of Pentecost, so the Spirit of Fire 
wants to consume your personality and character; to make you a vessel fit 
for the Master's use!

The Lord is in the fire!

Fire is representative of purity, illumination, cleansing, and warmth!
God's fire will purify you, give revelation, will heal and seal wounds and
will warm you with His love!  God's fire will consume that in you which is 
not pleasing and pure, rendering them to ashes which will then be swept 
away by the winds of the Spirit!

God is in the fire, just as He was when the three defiant Hebrew men
rejected the Babylonian king's demand to worship him by bowing before him
and his image.  Upon their refusal, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were 
thrown into the palace furnace. That same fire which consumed their enemies 
as they were approaching the furnace had no power to harm the Hebrew men. 
Be reminded that the Lord was in the fire, awaiting the arrival of His
delegates, and He walked with them in the midst of the fiery furnace!
He will do likewise as you yield to His Lordship by yielding to the daily
leadership of the Holy Spirit!

The Lord is in the fire, and He invites you to fear not, draw near, and
behold the Lord of glory, in spirit and in truth!"