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Date: Aug 26, 2004

This is submitted by Marcy Kotyk (mar_kotyk@yahoo.com)


                      Asian Lady Bug

You know how God uses little things to talk to us.  He showed me something
the other night in the form of an object lesson.

I dumped an Asian Lady Bug on the floor from off my shoe, and it landed on 
it's back.  It's little legs were frantically kicking, and it was 
struggling to get moving. The floor wasn't underneath his feet anymore. I 
bent over and with the slightest movement of my finger, I flipped it over, 
and it was on its way. 

The bug didn't need to struggle so for me to flip it over, I didn't need 
its help. It would have been more peaceful for that bug to know that I was 
there, and that I was going to help it, and that it didn't need to do 
anything to help me. The bug wasn't aware of what it took for me to flip 
it over, of how easy it was for me. And that's all good. He's fine now, 
and on his way. 

I learned a lesson from that bug that helps me put things into perspective. 
God is so big, and so good. We are so small, and He loves us so much. Next
time the rug gets pulled out from under me, I will remember what I learned 
from the Asian Lady Bug.