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This word is submitted by Karen Velez (KVelez3482@aol.com)

Word For San Francisco

I saw the city of San Francisco in the spirit, and it was shining as pure gold, reflecting the glory of the Son of God.
God wants to bring revival to San Francisco, too long it has been called a Sodom and Gomorrah, but now I am going to cause my people to rise up and my spirit to fall and it shall become known as God's city by the ocean, for it is my city, my jewel, and I will cause it to shine forth with the glory of MY SON.

I have already laid the foundation, I have built upon it, for there is a church there, who still honors my name and now I shall cause it to rise, and the giants of the enemy to fall. For San Francisco is My city, I created it, and I am Lord over it, it is time for My children to rise up and take back what the enemy has stolen, for if they do not, judgement will come to my church, for they will have missed the hour of My visitation, and I am causing My spirit to go up and down the streets of the city, calling my children forth to go and take the streets back to me, house by house, block by block, mile by mile, I will cause the strongholds of the enemy to fall as they cry out to me in repentance and I will show mercy.