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Date: August 18, 2009

        [This week the Lord is doing something a bit different. God
        the Father has given me a series of four simple "love
        letters" to share with His children....]

This word is submitted by Teresa Seputis [ts@godspeak.net]


                   Never Doubt That I Love You

Child of Mine, never doubt that I love you, for My love for you is the
foundation upon which our entire relationship is based. My great love
for you is what compelled Me to send My Son to purchase your salvation
at such a great cost to Himself. My great love for you is why I have
sent My Holy Spirit to reside inside of you, to help you, to guide you
and to empower you.

The enemy of your soul would tell you that you have somehow managed to
disqualify yourself from My love. But, dear one, that is not possible.
I loved you before you had turned to Me, before you had done a single
thing to please Me and before you even considered walking in My ways.
You caused Me great joy when you turned to Me and received the grace
that I have so freely offered to you. My love for you was never based
on your earning it, or is it based on your level of personal holiness,
or on any other thing that you could do.

Since the is nothing you can do to earn my love, there is also nothing
you can do to disqualify yourself from it. My love is always available
to you. It doesn't matter how much the accuser of the brethren whispers
into your ear--nothing can separate you from My great love for you.
You cannot disqualify yourself from My love for you--no matter how bad
you are, and no matter how much you mess up--for I am love and I will
never stop loving you.