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Date: August 17, 2010

This word is submitted by Rose Provencher [rosieproven@yahoo.com] 


              Look Forward, Not Back

My children; look forward not back. This I have illustrated in My word, 
"No one, having put his hand to the plow and looking back, is fit for 
the kingdom of God". 

The life of enjoying the present, looking toward the future and 
discarding the past is what I call you too. Too many are trying to make 
forward progress, but still are encumbered by things they cannot seem 
to leave behind. Everything in this temporary world will pass away, is 
it worth your progress being impeded? 

You cannot go two ways at once and you cannot look two ways either. It 
is not wise to look one way and try to go another, sooner or later 
something is going to get in your forward path and if you do not see 
it; it is going to cause you delay and perhaps even pain. 

I have called you to a walk of surrender, trusting that I have already 
make the way for you to proceed. Trust also that I have blessing for
you along that way. 

Don't cling to things that are outdated, obsolete, even detrimental to 
you. Don't you see that I have much better for you? As you grow, you 
also outgrow some things. You would not in the natural, wear clothing
that no longer fits you, neither should you try to do so in the spirit. 
Move on into bigger sizes, bigger blessings. Don't be stuck in what 
you are afraid to lose. 

I have so much more that is yours for the taking, but you must be 
moving forward to apprehend these things. Nothing, no person, no 
circumstance, should keep you from what is already yours. When you 
empty your hands, it only makes you available to be handed more. I 
will not leave you empty-handed. 

Just like you are not longer the old man, the old life is not your 
life either. Move on, I say, into the fullness of life. In Me and
My plan is the fullness. As Paul said, "lay aside every weight, and 
the sin which doth so easily beset you, and run with patience the 
race that is set before you".  

Yes, look to Me for I am the author and finisher of your faith and of 
your life. The purpose of running your race is to see what is waiting 
for you at the other end.  Paul also said, "Surely you know that many 
runners take part in a race, but only one of them wins the prize. 
Run, then, in such a way as to win the prize. Every athlete in training 
submits to strict discipline, in order to be crowned with a wreath that 
will not last; but we do it for one that will last forever. That is why 
I run straight for the finish line." 

Yes it will take discipline--but are you not a disciple? Do I ask you 
to do what I have not already done in Jesus? He is the example of how 
to be victorious in this life, and victory is what you also were created 

Don't hold on to things, but reach forward to what is already being set
aside for you. You are an eternal being, so don't be bound by earthly 
limitations. Eternal things are waiting for you. 

Luke 9:62
Heb. 12:1
1Co 9:24-26a