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Date: Aug 11, 2004

This word is submitted by Denise Lagrimas (chosen91@juno.com)


                Be Strong and Of Good Courage

When will you understand how deeply I long to fulfill the desires of your
heart? Do you not know that I am the God who remembers the heritage of
yesterday and I know those who stood on the mountain and cried out to me
with a loud cry? 

My eyes look to and fro upon the earth and I see the nations that truly 
long for Me and My salvation. I see the hearts of the true worshipers 
and those who are crying out for Me. I have not looked away but have 
dispatched My angels to cover the earth and prepare for My glory to fall. 

Look to the west and see the redemption of the sin-filled cities as they 
are transformed into a beacon of light and serve as a notice to the pagan 
nations. I am coming and I will pour out My Spirit.  Prepare the lands 
for blessing, pour out the oil of repentance and cast out the wickedness. 
Look to the east and see My honor bestowed on the beloved. As far as the 
east is from the west, so My love is for the beloved. 

Be strong and of good courage for I will cover you with My right hand 
and pass before you that you may see My glory. In this hour Kings will 
fall and new Kings will rise up and I will have My purposes fulfilled so 
we may commune in eternity. 

Let the earth cry out for peace and let the sword of truth divide, for I
will have excellence in the land. I know all who are Mine and I know your
heart so again I say be strong and of good courage for soon we will be