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Date: Aug 8, 2008

This word is submitted by Rick Kerr [rick@godspeaks2day.com]


                Come To Me 

I tell you...the times are precious to Me
when you desire to hear Me 
in the midst of the clamor of the world.

You see...I formed you in the womb.
I gave you the name you have in this world.
I determined your height & your eye color,
your skin and the sound of your voice.

I have known you since the foundation of creation
and loved you before time itself began

I wish that you were fully acquainted
with who you really are...
you are the head, not the tail.
You are above, not beneath.
You are of a heavenly priesthood, a holy people,
the bride of Christ, the lamb of God.
You are victors in battle,
conquerors of situations & circumstances.

The divine nature of the one true living God
is eager to be released out through you.
The Holy One is resident within you,
eager to touch the lost with His undying love.

The price that was paid was a worthy cause...
I esteemed you above Myself.
I counted the cost.
I knew that giving My life for yours 
was a sacrifice pleasing to the Father.
I have always known you and knew what you would become.

Shift your focus now.
Shift your love and devotion.
Shift your expectations.
Shift your emotions to Me.

Seek fervently and with fire
the One Who made you,
Who knows you,
Who cares for you,
Who loves you.

Lay hold of the divine nature resident within you
through My indwelling Holy Spirit.
Come to Me and be comforted.
Come to Me and be healed.
Come to Me and be set free.
Come to Me and step into your God given destiny.
Come to Me and be made whole.
Come to Me... forever changed.
Come to Me!