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This word is submitted by Sharon Marks (sschmalfuss@snet.net)


Why Do You Struggle?

Why do you struggle against my wind? Does a ship sail against the wind and gain any distance? Does a bird fly against the wind and not soon tire? You now change direction and you face that which I have sent for you to flow with. can you flow against the wind of my spirit? Will you not soon become weary, discouraged and will you not be brought back further than when you began?

I have begun a purpose in you and I have sent the wind of my spirit to carry you further in what that purpose is. Do not suppose this to be a new direction in Me, for I have not purposed it. You have yet to flow steadily in what has just begun. Yet you jump into deeper water when you have not yet learned to swim. Do not go forward in haste. Wait on Me children.

Let no man or no woman take you away from the purpose I have proposed for you. Winds of change do not always mean a different direction but a clearer direction. My wind will separate the chaff from the wheat. It will bring a refreshing and it will fan the flame that has begun to burn in you -- that your heart will be consumed in, of and for Me! A flame that will ignite a deeper desire for what My desire is for My people.

There is a time of great testing and tribulation that I will bring to My people. If you change with every wind of doctrine that man purposes, you surely will not stand. Therefore, stand, wait, rest in what I have begun. Become strong in it -- you are not yet strong. You are too easily turned aside.

Those who contend with mine I will contend with. So fear no man's face or what you shall say; for I will set their faces before you and My oracles I shall put into your mouth that you may speak those things that I have need of to be spoken. Fear not what man can do -- fear only your God! Reverance Me! Wait on Me! Rest in Me! Children, rest in Me.