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Date: August 5, 2009

This word is submitted by Wendy Graham [wendy4c@primus.ca]


                 The Cares Of This World

Dear children, why do you wander so aimlessly about? You carry burdens 
as if they were yours to own. There are many trials in this world 
that you yourself must overcome. You overcome these by way of My life 
that is within you. You, then, can help others overcome. 

I am your lifeline. I am the vine to which you come from. You are a 
branch in Me, dear ones. You were never meant to be separate onto 
yourselves, so why do you carry burdens as though they belong only 
to you?

I did not say to you to be overcome with the cares of this world. For 
in this, you will be met with defeat. The waves of the sea can be 
turbulent and can overtake you on your own. You will easily become 
soiled to think you can bear up under stormy seas and wicked nations 
in your own strength. I never asked you to do this dear children.