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Date: August 3, 2006

This word is submitted by Grant Turner [grant@alastairturner.fsnet.co.uk]


                      I Have Called You To Go

My child, you have long felt Me calling you to My service.  I gave you
a vision of a distant land and asked you to go.  There are many people
in desperate need there; they are dying for want of the bread of My Son,
the bread of Life.  I gave you the vision of this land, and called you
to be part of taking the land for Me, to be prepared to be used by Me to
free the captives in that nation from the hold of the devil.

You have wondered if this call was of Me, and have no idea how you can
face this challenge, you have looked at yourself, and your own skills ad
resources and have wondered how you could ever climb this spiritual
Everest.  When have attempted to share this call with others you have
received discouragement, seeming to confirm your doubts.

Now you have began to think that you misinterpreted the vision I gave
you, and now you are beginning to hear a voice saying I did not call
you, that it was arrogant for you to think I would chose you as My
servant for this task, that there are others more worthy.  That is a lie
that comes from the Father of Lies!!  Put your faith in Me and the
vision I gave you, and don't look to your own resources but to Mine,
what you could never do on your own I will do through you, I will use
you to confound the wisdom of those who think themselves wise, who say
you can't do it, that your not clever enough, talented enough, your too
young in My Son.  I will show them what I can do through someone the
'wise' consider foolish and small but has faith in Me, I will allow you
to rest in My wisdom that human reasoning cannot comprehend.

You have been obedient to Me in the small things when others who seem
more mature around you have not, you have the committed heart that I
require.  So do not listen to the lies of the enemy, the doubt of your
heart or the criticism of those who think they are 'wise' but in My
sight still have much to learn.  Instead, listen to the voice of My
Spirit, and the call that you have feel, be encouraged and know that the
call was of Me.

I call you now to step out and follow My call in faith, in the manner of
Abraham, and know that I AM with you always, that I will never leave you
or forsake you as you walk before Me.  Trust in My resources to provide,
and My ability to make a way for you where the seems no way.  And don't
be afraid of the task that lies before you, but remember My child what
My Son has said, 'in this world you will have trouble.  But take heart!
I have overcome the world!' (John 16:33) and in My word where it told
you that 'For everyone born of God overcomes the world.  This is the
victory that has overcome the world, even our faith.' (1 John 5:5)

Remember, My child, I have not called you to something to which I am not
ready to equip you for, and do not think you need more study and learning
then you already have, what is most important is that you walk in faith
and love before Me, obedient to the calling I have placed on your life.
Trust Me in this, My child, and I will perform mighty works through you,
I will make you a trophy of My grace, I will use you to turn many in that
nation away from darkness and death and bring them into the glorious
light of My Son.