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Date: Aug 02, 2004

This word is submitted by Jacquie Noble (jacquien@mitchellandmitchell.co.zw)


                            Keep Moving

My Child, I see your faithfulness.  I rejoice that you are pulling further
away from Sheol (the place of the dead) and you are drawing closer to Me.
It fills My heart with gladness that you are now beginning to see what I
have been trying to show you for so long.  

You had to realize for yourself that you had to let the flesh die -- you 
had to crucify the earthly parts of yourself.  You had to put a stop to 
the indulgences of your flesh that were so much a part of the body you 
inhabit that you did not realize that is what was holding you back. You 
prayed to Me for wisdom, discernment and guidance, but they were always 
with you, for I am with you.  

I am with you in that difficult situation you are in.  I am protecting 
you from those hurtful words that are being spoken to you.  I am with 
you in that dead end you think you are in.  Look for Me and you will 
find Me wherever you are and whatever you are going through.  Yes, I 
desire to draw you apart from everything and everyone else so I can make 
myself known to you, but I also want you to find me wherever I have put 

All you have to do is turn out all the things of the world.  All you 
have to do is refuse to let the distractions of the world stop you from 
spending time alone with Me and My Word.  All you have to do is to be 
faithful to Me in the little things.  Instead of watching television, 
spend time in My Word.  Instead of reading worldly books, spend time in 

Do you desire to know Me better?  Spend time apart with Me.  My Child, 
do you not yet realize that I know your every thought?  Do you not yet 
realize that I know where you will go if I do not put a dead end in your 
path to make you turn back to My ever present arms?  Do you not yet 
realize that I love you enough to turn you away from everything that will 
harm you?  

I have put you in the world, but you are not of the world.  You do not 
need the things of the world, they are only stopping you from seeing My 
face.  You draw ever closer to Me when you do not indulge the flesh.  You 
draw ever closer to me when you walk in obedience.  You are My child and 
I love you.