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Date: Aug 1, 2002

This word is submitted by Jane Larsen (jlarsen65@hotmail.com)


                   Pray Down Heaven

Do not grow weary in doing good. Do not tire, do not give up. Stand with
your face set to Me as flint with your feet anchored in My word.  I am food
for your soul, I will sustain you.  Pray down Heaven.  Call upon Me.  At all
times and in all things, call upon My name.

When you are weary, call Me.  When you are weak, call Me. I am the one you
must call. In the face of battle, call upon Me. I am your fortress, your
shelter in the storm. In all things and at all times call upon Me.  There 
is power in My name.  There is victory and it is found in Me, I am the
deliverer. Do not grow faint, do not think your prayers are returning
unanswered for I am in that place with you. I am hearing. I am listening. 
I am moving, though now you may not perceive it, I am moving. Be still and 
see what I do when you call upon Me.

Lay all your cares at My feet, for I am strong. Give the load to Me, make
your requests known.  I am your God who hears.  I am your God who moves.  Do
not stop, do not have fear, do not tremble for I am at your side, I will not
let you be harmed.

This is the time to pray down Heaven.  I call you to persist. I call you to
endure, for there is a prize, and I hold it ready for you.  In all things
give thanks, in all times have joy -- for I am with you. Let Me release you
from suffering.  Let Me move amongst you with fire and power. Let Me lead
you.  Do not look at the desert, do not look at the waves, do not look at
the size of the cave you may be in but look to the bigness of Me.  Call upon