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Date: July 31, 2007

This word is submitted by Laura Barnwell [laura_barnwell@yahoo.com]


                           Faith Grows
My child, you do have faith like a grain of mustard seed? You speak to 
the mountains in your life, and sometimes they do not move immediately-- 
or they seem to move in a different direction than you expected. Do no 
let this sway your faith in Me, for I am faithful and hear your cries.
A seed takes time to sprout before it grows into a tree. There are times 
when I must nurture other areas of your life before I reveal the final 
results of your prayers, but  I am always working behind the scenes on 
your behalf. Your faith-seed may be tiny now, but one day you will see 
a full grown tree--but this growth process took time.  
Do not lose heart while you are waiting; but stir up your faith by 
testifying with your mouth of My good works. I will not fail you. I water 
and I bring the increase. I am working on your behalf, so stir up your 
faith! Remember all I have done in your life. Your testimony stirs up faith 
in others, so encourage them as they encourage you. 

Mountains have been moved in the past, and they will continue to move, 
because I am faithful. Be blessed, for your faith is making you whole in 