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Date: July 31, 2006

This word is submitted by Teresa Seputis [ts@godspeak.org]


                     Accomplish My Purposes

This is a time and season where I am raising up My people to do My will
and to accomplish My purposes on this earth.  I have many different
purposes that I wish to accomplish.  I want to heal the broken hearted
and comfort those who mourn.  I want to free people from addictions and
from the oppression of the enemy.  I want to heal bodies that are broken
or that have become dysfunctional.  I want to bring peace and love and
joy to My own.  I want to restore broken relationships and I want to
bring many to know the good news of what My Son has done for them.

So many of My children latch on to just one of My purposes, to the
exclusion of the others.  They expect that every member of My body is
to function solely in the role they focus on."  They don't understand
all the things that I desire to do in this season.  Some assume that I
am only raising up eyes.  If they are not able to "see," they assume
that I have no place for them.  Others say, "Oh, I can't hear like that,
God can't use me"--when I never created them to be an ear.

Child of Mine, I want you to stop trying to fit into a position that I
have not created you for!  Instead, I want you to step up to the destiny
that I have carefully prepared specifically for you.

Have I not said in My word that I need all of the members of My body to
function? Have I not said that the mouth is of no greater value and of
no lesser value than the ear or the feet or any other part? Child of Mine,
it is time to stop second guessing Me.  Stop disqualifying yourself from
tasks that I never called you to do in the first place.  Stop looking at
the things you are not capable of doing and start focusing on the ones
that I am giving you to do.

If you don't know what I have created you to do, then come and sit at My
feet, and listen to Me.  I will tell you what purpose I have created you
for.  Allow Me to speak into your life. Allow Me to define you, so you
can know that you with certainty that you are called and chosen. I want
you to know that I have already given you the destiny that I created you
for.  I have already equipped you fully for it, and I will cause you to
succeed in it.  Do not fret if you lack natural talents or specialized
training. My indwelling Holy Spirit will make up for anything you lack
with His anointing and power.  He is with you, and He can do all things,
making you fully equipped and lacking nothing.

Trust Me.  I know what I am doing in your life and I know what you are
capable of.  I know what I have prepared you for, and I am calling you
to do that with Me.  Do not try to be something other than what I created
you to be.  Do not try to mold yourself into someone else's destiny or
calling.  Instead, allow Me to develop you to be who I want you to be.
Know that you will find My glory and My anointing upon you as I send you
and as I empower you.  Know that I have created you to delight in the
destiny that I have prepared for you.

I have much that I want to do in this earth, and I want you to participate
in doing it with Me.  So rise up, child of Mine, and enter into your