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Date: Jul 29, 2005

This word is submitted by Jane Larsen (jlarsen65@hotmail.com)


                    Join Together

Come, let us work together.  Each of you has different gifts and different
callings.  Do not pull away from others, but join with them, so the Body of
Christ can work in full accord.  Help each other and guide each other.  Work
in unity and with love, so those that do not know Me, those that do not
follow Me, can see the power of the Living God.  

Let there be no discord amongst you, no words of anger, no impatience, as 
this will give the enemy a foothold, and a foothold will become a stronghold.  
Do you not know that his intention is to pull apart the Body of Christ?  Do 
you not know yet that he will plant seeds of anger, impatience, vanity and 
pride, and these will become weeds to kill and choke?  Do not let the sun 
set on your anger, but be filled with love and forgiveness.  

In all things, do everything with love.  I am love, I love, I freely give; 
give also and share with those that are hungry.  Love those who are cold 
and bring them into the warmth.  

Work together so there is light, and that light will dispel any darkness.  
Join together, bring your gifts and callings under one shelter -- the shelter 
of My name where all who call upon Me are welcome.  I do not recall the 
past; I will not remember.  When I forgive, I forget.  I call you to work