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Date: July 28, 2008

This word is submitted by Teresa Seputis [ts@gosdpeak.net]


                        Spend Time With Me

Precious child, you don't realize how much I enjoy spending time with
you. Of course, I appreciate all that you do for Me to serve Me; but I 
also cherish the times when you choose to put aside your busyness to 
linger in My presence and seek Me. 

Why is that, you ask?

It is because I am a relational God, and I desire an intimate and deep
relationship with you. I love the kind of worship that rises up from 
those who truly know Who they are worshipping--and I desire to reveal 
more of Myself to you so that you can come to that place of knowing Me 
better and better. 

Dear one, knowing Me is not a "goal" to accomplish and then be done 
with--it is something that you always grow in and continue to pursue 
for all the days of your life. There is no point of knowing Me fully, 
for I am bigger and more amazing than you can possibly imagine. I 
will always have more of Myself to reveal to you. 

The more you get to know Me, the more you will delight in that 
knowledge, and the more you will be able to enter into the depth of 
worship that is so pleasing to Me.

Dear one, I want us to be friends. It can not be an equal friendship
or a reciprocal relationship, because the creation can never be equal 
to the Creator. I will always be the Lord; I will always be the senior 
member of our relationship, and you will always be in submission to Me. 
But I, as your Creator and Lord and Master, still want us to be deep 
and intimate friends. I want to take you into new depths of knowing Me 
and I want to reveal more of My goodness and more of My glory to you.

The more you press into Me, the more I will reveal of Myself to you. I 
want you to know Me more fully, and I want you to dwell in that place 
of intimacy. 

For out of that place of intimacy, you will be able to see what I am 
doing, and you will be able to participate in it with Me. Out of that 
place of intimacy, you will be able to come into new depths of worship. 
Out of that place of intimacy, you will see your prayers answered 
quickly, for I delight to do good things for those who love Me with 
all of their hearts, and for those who cherish Me above all else.

Dear one, chose to put aside some of your busyness and linger in My 
presence. Chose to know Me better, dear one, so that we might walk 
in deeper intimacy with each other. Remember how much I enjoy spending 
time with you, and choose to spend time with Me.