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Date: July 26, 2007

This word is submitted by Colleen Aitken [hisdrinkoffering@yahoo.com]


                              Good Plans
My children, I love it when you trust Me. It blesses Me when you embrace My 
plans and My instructions. I especially love it when you do this in times 
when I do not reveal all of the details to you. I may leave you with a lack 
of understanding many times to see if you will still trust Me. Because you
know My character, you can trust me. You can always trust that I will never 
do or ask anything of you that will bring you harm. 
I love it when you just close your eyes, take my hand, and give Me an 
unreserved "Yes!" This so pleases me. You have nothing to fear, you can 
truly give Me all of you, for I am a good Father. As you proceed with Me 
in faith, you will truly see that all of My plans for you are indeed good.