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This word is submitted by Jim Mellard (JMellard@aol.com)

Revival for Youth

The Spirit of the Lord would say...
Those that can hear -- listen... I am calling My young ones forth, I am going to set them free from the curse of the Law... I am going to fill them with My Spirit, I am going to anoint them to preach My Word, to heal My people, to set their generation free from the curse of the Law... Rejoice... Rejoice

The Lord says, bring my young ones into the fellowships, teach them to hear My voice, set them in the offices that I have called them to, prepare them to walk in their destiny... For this is the season, this is My timing...

Do not be concerned about their age for I am not, do not be concerned about their dress, for I am not, for I see the destiny that I have called them for. I see the end, I see the revival that shall come.

The Spirit of the Lord would say... Release, release your children to me even as Hanna did for I have work, I have a destiny for them. Surely I shall cause the revival to come through these young one ...

Jim Mellard