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Date: Jul 24, 2002

This word is submitted by Inez Brinkley (daughterofzion1@earthlink.net)


                              The Plow

My child, you have put your hand to the plow and your furrow is 
straight.  Do not take your hand off or look back at all you've left 
behind. For then your furrow will be crooked and you will wander in 
trials and tribulations to get you back on the right path. Keep your 
hands on the plow and your eyes on Me and your furrow will lead you 
into untold blessings. The god of this world, the devil, would have 
you believe that you can reach back and still keep that furrow straight. 
But I say to you, your furrow will only be straight with your hands on 
the plow and your face set in My direction. With Me, you will conquer 
and possess the land for it is your inheritance in Me. So keep straight 
and receive your blessings. For I have set My seal upon you.