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Date: July 23, 2009

This word is submitted by Jaco Kruger [Jaco.Kruger@iSolve.co.za]



For too long, My children have claimed to walk free while they didn't.
Egypt will not let go of your minds until it lets go of your hearts. 
You can never walk in the true freedom of the revelation knowledge that
I have for you--never truly pick up and consume your fresh manna every 
day, never truly carry only My yoke and My burden--until you let go of
the yoke and burden Egypt has placed on your hearts.

Your minds seem free, but they won't truly be until Egypt is out of 
your hearts. The days are gone where someone has to interpret for you 
what My heart is for your life. You need to get fresh manna from Me 
for yourself--only then will you truly start living like free men. 

Come hear My heart, come see My thoughts. Come learn My ways. Let go 
of Egypt, beloved ones, let go of Egypt.