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Date: July 18, 2007

This word is submitted by Colleen Aitken [hisdrinkoffering@yahoo.com]


               I Am On Your Side

As they say, "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree;"
just as I watch you, that's just what I see.
You may feel you have fallen at times; rolled away
but here's how I see you....Here's what I say:
I am not judging you by how well you stand;
for in times when you waver, I'm holding your hand.
I am not sitting back to see if you'll fall,
just watching and waiting...oh no! Not at all!
You are My child. There is nothing you can do
to subtract from the great love that I have for you.
At times you may waiver, at times even fall,
but I'm the One cheering for you through it all!
If you could just see My smile,
the look on My face--
There is no condemnation.
I give help, I extend grace.
I will never disown you or cast you away.
You are My child, and this you will stay.
Keep reaching, keep pressing
for the highest and best.
Keep coming closer--
Press into My chest.
Know that it's not based on merit--
You can't earn My love.
Take My favor and wear it
like a tight, secure glove.
I like you, I watch you,
My hands hold you tight.
Be secure in this, knowing
that in you I delight!