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Date: Jul 18, 2005

This word is submitted by Teresa Seputis (ts@godspeak.org)


                           An Invitation

Child of Mine, I have put within you a heart that is after My heart.  I 
am actively transforming you to desire the things that I desire, to think
the way that I think and to pursue the things that I am doing.  

So seek Me and you will find Me, for I will be found by those whose hearts
are after Mine.  And seek to do the things that I am doing, for I desire
to let you do them with Me.  I am willing to show you plainly what I want
to do, if only you will have the faith and courage to do it with Me. For
I say to you, child, that I am a God of the miraculous and I have called
you to do the impossible with Me.  But do not fret, for I enable whatever
I command.  I have called you to walk in My power, and I have placed My
anointing upon you.  Nothing shall be impossible for you, provided that
you watch Me and only try to do the things that I am doing.

I have prepared you.  I have called you. I have chosen you and I have 
anointed you.  I have filled you with My Spirit and I have opened the
eyes of your understanding.  I have caused you to hear My voice clearly.
All I ask of you in return is that you obey Me out of a heart that is
overflowing with love for Me.  Draw near to Me in worship, intimacy and 
adoration, and be filled with greater measures of My tangible presence.

Yes, child, I have chosen you and I will empower you to walk alongside
of Me and to do the work that I am doing.  You will lay hands on the sick
and see them recover. You will command demons and watch them flee. You
will speak to physical ailments and watch them obey your command.  You will
multiply food, and you will calm the storm.  For I have called you to do
the very works that My Son did on when He walked on this earth.  Yes, 
whatever I am doing, I will show it to you and I will allow you to do it 
with Me.

So raise your expectations and prepare your heart.  Set your mind and your
passions on Me. Draw close. Watch what I am doing and listen to My voice.
Worship Me in purity of spirit and rejoice. For I am with you and I will
never leave you. I have placed My Spirit within you, and I have placed My
anointing upon you.  I call you now, rise up, child! See what I am doing
and do it with Me.  For I have made you able to do all things that I am 
doing.  Yes, nothing shall be impossible to you as you follow Me and 
imitate Me and do what I am doing here on this earth.  I have called you 
to walk in My power, to bring glory to My name, and to advance My kingdom.   
I have called you to arise and go forward with Me.  I have called you to 
be My witness and to proclaim My words of life and liberty.  I have called 
you to do the impossible with Me and to see My kingdom advance.

So rise up, child of Mine, and come with Me.  It is time to begin doing 
these things together.  Do not fear or fret or think it is impossible. Do 
not allow disbelief into your thinking, for I have called you to a walk 
of faith, and I will empower you to do all that I command you to do.  I 
am your God and nothing is impossible for Me, and as you become doers of 
My word and of My will, nothing will be impossible for you either.

It is time for My glory to shine forth in this earth.  It is time for My
will to be done, and it is time for My kingdom to advance.  So rise up, 
child of Mine.  Come with Me and let us begin to do together all that I 
desire to do.